
Showing posts from February, 2012

Listening to God's voice

      I am trying to read the Bible through in a year, I have these scriptures daily that I read and I am reading right now in Exodus.  Its always an interesting book to me, how the Children of Israel wander in the wilderness finding it so hard to trust God and he is right there with them. I think of ourselves and this country and how we wander in the wilderness and God is still right here with us,well the Holy Spirit is. They didn't really even have to go on much faith because he did appear before them, they knew he was real and powerful and mighty, but they couldn't even trust him either.   I think how hard it is to trust, to listen to have faith.... Even I struggle at times listening. We don't want to hear too much, we don't want to have to live too Holy, because then people will think we are freaks....Well didn't they think Jesus was a freak? Most Jews didn't believe he was the Son of God and to this day still don't believe.    Listening though,...

Being a doormat....

It is one thing to go the lonely way with dignified heroism, but quite another thing that if the line mapped out for you by God means being a doormat under other people's feet.   ...Oswald Chambers "Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy and rejoice with you all." Phil 2:17    This was my devotion this morning of course, there was more, but pretty good stuff I must say. Whenever I read something like that I think back of a time when I was younger, growing up, I was probably teenage and was very easy going and nice. I can remember people telling me that I was just too nice and "don't be a doormat for others" "you have to stand up for yourself"... I can also remember about that time hurts and my heart being a little harder and well we all know how hard it is to grow up and the growing pains that go along with it.    It's funny how we are encouraged to do one thing, yet Christ may want us to do something els...