I feel that I have to be a Martha, when I really want to be a Mary
Most days I am Martha, busy, busy, busy. I run around trying to get things done. So many things to get done and not enough time. I think of the story in the Bible of Martha and Mary and how Martha was running around the house to get things done. By nature I am my names sake, I am a Mary. I want to just sit at the feet of Jesus and soak up his goodness. There are times, I am studying or just living life and I have absorbed some of God's goodness or in the moment I think I need to blog about that, I need to write more about the goodness of my Lord and Savior and I need the world to know about it, but it's fleeting and my Martha self comes through and tasks need to be done and accomplished, so blogging and journaling goes undone. My Martha tasks...... We are trying to plant this church, I feel completely compelled to do a good job. To outreach, to do the books, to support my husband and keep up the blog, the Facebook, and the Twitter account. I want to do mo...