
Showing posts from January, 2012

That still small voice..

Has the voice of God come to you directly? If it has you cannot mistake the intimate insistence with which the  it has spoken to you in the language you know best, not through your ears but through your circumstance.   Oswald Chambers Often have I heard from my Lord and Savior through circumstance. I will often let circumstance get the best of me and there's that still small voice saying"take a deep breath and know that I am God". At that moment I surely feel the weakest in his kingdom. But I pull up my big girl panties and go on, thanking him for all that he reveals to me.  I used to have a sign in my office at work(when I had my own office) that related to circumstance ... it was something like don't let your circumstance define who you are but let your actions define who you are.  Right now I am reading the book of Job and everytime I read it I realize my circumstances are not so bad. I am also in awe at the power of God and how his ways are not ours.  I ju...

Upon this Rock I will build my Church

I often think of this scripture found in Matt 16:18 And I say also unto thee, that thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I think of this scripture when I think of the "church" and I am in no way a scholar on all this, you would have to talk more to my husband who nah just kidding.. but I do know what God has revealed to me. Jesus wanted the "church " built around Peter's faith and ministry and the disciples and what was He(Jesus) teaching them? He was teaching them to love others, to care for others and disciple others. James 1:26-27 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion in vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world .  Whew.. I am convicted each time I read this.... and you kno...

Know thyself...

Know thyself....  A common quote that I hear quite often. I even like it.  I have come to find out that even after 38 years I am still finding out stuff about myself that I didn't know.  Each day I am growing and learning and it's a continuous process.  Lately I have realized what kind of coffee I really like... must be a Colombian blend as I have come to find out Arabica beans are very strong and often smokey tasting... so I look for something with a Colombian bean. I am of course not a coffee connoisseur but I am finding new things out about coffee.  Just like simple facts like that, I am grateful God reveals things about myself that continuously allow me to grow. I often think about the song.."He's still working on me" a childhood song and we often hear children sing it but oh how it applies to even adults. Well that is, if you let him work on you.. again it's a choice how much or how little you listen to his voice and spend time with him.  In...

A New Year

Jan  2012      I was waiting on my sister to send me a New Year commentary but she hasn’t yet, so I thought I would just do my own.     When I think about this past year, I think wow how time has flown by. God has richly blessed us this past year and his love is awesome.    When you look at the year on a larger scale, a worldly scale it is quite scary. Elections coming up, the Mayan prophesy that is sure to bring about some scares the closer into the year it gets. Some people will actually be terrified as the year goes on and the closer to next December it gets. Newscasters say that we could possibly going back into recession if not depression and here we go again.    Not to mention the terror and calamity Satan has presented and put in our homes, breaking marriages, wayward children, such a rebellious, heart sickening sight if you concentrated on it.   Be sober be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring l...