That still small voice..
Has the voice of God come to you directly? If it has you cannot mistake the intimate insistence with which the it has spoken to you in the language you know best, not through your ears but through your circumstance. Oswald Chambers Often have I heard from my Lord and Savior through circumstance. I will often let circumstance get the best of me and there's that still small voice saying"take a deep breath and know that I am God". At that moment I surely feel the weakest in his kingdom. But I pull up my big girl panties and go on, thanking him for all that he reveals to me. I used to have a sign in my office at work(when I had my own office) that related to circumstance ... it was something like don't let your circumstance define who you are but let your actions define who you are. Right now I am reading the book of Job and everytime I read it I realize my circumstances are not so bad. I am also in awe at the power of God and how his ways are not ours. I ju...