Know thyself...

Know thyself.... 
A common quote that I hear quite often. I even like it. 
I have come to find out that even after 38 years I am still finding out stuff about myself that I didn't know. 
Each day I am growing and learning and it's a continuous process. 

Lately I have realized what kind of coffee I really like... must be a Colombian blend as I have come to find out Arabica beans are very strong and often smokey tasting... so I look for something with a Colombian bean. I am of course not a coffee connoisseur but I am finding new things out about coffee. 

Just like simple facts like that, I am grateful God reveals things about myself that continuously allow me to grow. I often think about the song.."He's still working on me" a childhood song and we often hear children sing it but oh how it applies to even adults. Well that is, if you let him work on you.. again it's a choice how much or how little you listen to his voice and spend time with him. 

In reality though, the only one who understands us is God. It would be slightly of conceit to think you truly know yourself because if you say that then you are not giving God the credit to mold you and change you as HE sees fit, you are a mold created the way you want to be, most of the time that is how we go through life, trying to find out about ourselves and explore our feelings and personality but is all that really necessary? I mean really God is in control and if you are striving to put him first wouldn't that mean he could mold you and change you hopefully more into his image and less of "ourselves". I know first hand that the way you were brought up or things that happened to you as a  child can change you and mold you, but GOD CAN MOLD YOU TOO AND CHANGE YOU AND THE HURT INSIDE !! I look at myself and realize that God is great and has changed me alot, but there is plenty more molding and growth that I know God is helping me with. I often refer back to this scripture too. 
Lamentations 3:22
  It is of the Lord's mercy that we are not consumed , because his compassion fail not.
  So I look deeper.... and think of how unworthy I am and he reminds me of how worthy I am that he sent his son to die for me and he took on sin for me, so that I can live a life abundantly in him. 
So that I could spend time with him and walk with him in the cool of they day and grow and flourish into what he wants.. wow... what an awesome God we serve !!!
Mark 4:34
When they were alone, he expounded all things to his disciples.
Spend some time alone with God, you, your Bible and him and a willing heart and see what he tells you today !!!


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