
Showing posts from March, 2012

Happy Spring

Happy Spring !! Those were the words I heard at work the other day.I never saw the light of day as I go into work when it's dark and it's dusk when I leave. But I think it was a pretty day.  I worked 12 hrs that day and of course those 12 hours get the best of me and when I got home I was so tired I don't remember much about the evening, but I am sure we didn't talk about it being the first day of spring. Then the next day I was off and I got to take my girls to school and McKenzie said today is the second day of spring and I thought wow she really is into what day is what,  and when holidays fall into place and I said," it sure is",  but to me it's just another day, but to her it means something.     I didn't realize it was already upon us, the weather has been so strange and things are blooming, but they have been blooming, a little early I would say. As I was walking back inside I noticed the beautiful trees that have a reddish leaf that are all ar...

The garden of life..

As I was doing my devotion this morning, lots of things on my mind and as I was writing my prayers I wrote something like this... As I stumble through the weeds and briers of life dear Lord, please help me see the flowers among all the brush, help me to come out unharmed, unscratched and with the hope only you can give. I began to think how life is like that. Often coming upon obstacles that knock our feet out from under us and how we must go on and do the best we can. Each day IS NEW and we choose how we re-act to all the briers and weeds that try to smother out the sunshine. Hoping that bud underneath will bloom into the beautiful flower it could be.    As I began to pray, I thought about my husband and how he is such a blessing to others. How people want to glean from his happiness, his joy and want to be in his presence because of the positive vibes, good counsel and hope that he has. I am thankful for him and what he stands for!! What a light he has, although he has no...

Seeking Wisdom

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as a pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him, Forever in the next. Amen.     This is the serenity prayer that is often used in alcoholics anonomous meetings and seems to be an effective tool for them. I have always loved this prayer as well. Then a while back my neice was telling me that she wanted a copy to frame and put on her wall.    The first three lines are of most importance to me, God grant me ......... I just started a new job and school too kinda at the same time and it's been extremely stressful ..oh and from night shift to day my ...