Happy Spring

Happy Spring !! Those were the words I heard at work the other day.I never saw the light of day as I go into work when it's dark and it's dusk when I leave. But I think it was a pretty day.  I worked 12 hrs that day and of course those 12 hours get the best of me and when I got home I was so tired I don't remember much about the evening, but I am sure we didn't talk about it being the first day of spring. Then the next day I was off and I got to take my girls to school and McKenzie said today is the second day of spring and I thought wow she really is into what day is what,  and when holidays fall into place and I said," it sure is",  but to me it's just another day, but to her it means something.
    I didn't realize it was already upon us, the weather has been so strange and things are blooming, but they have been blooming, a little early I would say. As I was walking back inside I noticed the beautiful trees that have a reddish leaf that are all around where we live. I noticed that the beautiful purple tiny flower that blooms in the spring had almost all fallen off and blown away and I thought now how did I miss that, I began to think, have I been so busy that I missed those trees? Then I thought well it's been so warm, maybe those trees didn't keep their blooms as long this year.. hmmmm....
I immediately thought about the scripture, life is but a vapor, then it's gone and how time does fly by us and here we are wondering how did we miss those beautiful flowers, how did we miss that beauty?
In James it talks about life being a vapor and how each day is precious and how should make it count.

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth  for a little time, then vanisheth away. James 4:14

In this chapter of James, he is really preaching, screaming out, get right, do right and realize that this life is short, you only have a short while here on earth.

  I recently had a birthday in March, and as I am one year older, I didn't have such a hard time with that, but I had a hard time in Feb when my baby turned 6, and I wondered where had the time gone, I couldn't remember her being a baby long and how time has just flown by and have I made it count, am I doing all I can for my children, because you see I know material things, and money is not what they need, but they need mom, they need nuturing and loving and am I doing all I should do as life is fleeting by. Right now at this point in my life I am working way more than I would like and in a place where that is what is needed to get to the goal of actually doing more for God and in that,  helping Danny get through school.
My heart is with my children and doing for them just like God made me to be. So I press on and do the best I can with what time I have and pray a lot !! I know life is but a vapor and I want to make it count.
I do get down and wonder why, why can't I be one of those stay at home moms, but I probably wouldn't be happy then either, or why can't I work part-time instead of full time, then I realize I am doing what I am suppose to right now and God will take care of the rest.
and I read James again,
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth  for a little time, then vanisheth away.
 James 4:14
And I realize, I can do this, my life is about Christ and working for him and doing for him and if what I am doing right now leads to more for him in the end then that is what I am to do.
I think about boiling water and how it makes a vapor and how it is gone minutes after it smokes up and that is how fast life is ... minutes and I tell myself I can do this hard thing for a few minutes, it's not that long, it's but a vapor, then gone..... but I want to be a blessing to my husband, my children, and others in the process. I know God is still working on me and I pray I can make those minutes count !!


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