
Showing posts from June, 2014

Conquer this Life and enjoy it...

     I don't know about you, but I constantly see things like motivational sayings all over and especially on pinterest about Life, and the secret to life. I have pondered this very thing as well. You see some people just glide along, no problems or minimal problems, then there are others who struggle. When I say this, I mean something obvious... like I see people all the time, who have a four year degree in one thing and now they are going back for their nursing. I see some people just go to college like it's the norm, then others who struggle and really try and have a hard time getting an associate degree, because their life is harder and there are more struggles and it isn't always because of their choices, but sometimes because of choices their parents made or just hard times that hit that family, and you ponder on that.      Oh there is always a struggle, maybe we don't always see it, maybe it's buried away and hidden, but I think a majority of human...