Conquer this Life and enjoy it...

     I don't know about you, but I constantly see things like motivational sayings all over and especially on pinterest about Life, and the secret to life. I have pondered this very thing as well.
You see some people just glide along, no problems or minimal problems, then there are others who struggle. When I say this, I mean something obvious... like I see people all the time, who have a four year degree in one thing and now they are going back for their nursing. I see some people just go to college like it's the norm, then others who struggle and really try and have a hard time getting an associate degree, because their life is harder and there are more struggles and it isn't always because of their choices, but sometimes because of choices their parents made or just hard times that hit that family, and you ponder on that.
     Oh there is always a struggle, maybe we don't always see it, maybe it's buried away and hidden, but I think a majority of humans have some type of struggle whether it has embraced them or they have embraced it. When I say the struggle is hidden, I mean it all looks nice on the outside, but on the inside a person is dark and scared and struggles with anxiety or obsessiveness that can lead to depression and sometimes us looking into to that life, that family who you see on Wednesday night at church is really struggling with something deep.  Bottom line is we live in a fallen world- there is struggle,  and strife.
  When I say true happiness is conquering life. I don't mean some epiphany that comes after reading some brainy quote and you say" I now understand life" I now know the meaning of life... No, I am talking about when after living 41 years and with Christ's help you begin to understand life a little more with his wonderful insight and help.

I don't serve a dead God, I serve a living God. (they made a movie about it...but I believed it before the movie came

What is conquering life then?  Well it's learning to be happy with the lot you are given.  It's learning to be happy in the place you are in at the present and enjoying the present because that is where you are at the moment.

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”Philippians 4:12-13 (NIV)

We often concentrate on the latter, but read the first part of this verse  a few times and meditate on it..... 

To look for God in every situation however small and  say" what do you want me to do in this or what do you want me to learn from this?" " God, how do you want me to react to this?" It's kinda hard, but nothing worth fighting for is easy. God didn't say life was easy or that it would ever be easy, but he did promise to go with you all the way.

Conquering life is conquering life and choosing everyday to live... and live life abundantly through him! It's all about a choice to conquer...

He did promise to go with you all way.... remember that and you will conquer this life and be happy while doing it !! CHOOSE TO CONQUER


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