Being let-down
Recently, I have been on a time crunch to find a preceptor to work with in the hospital. I have called places, hospitals, and people, people I work with, people I am acquainted with and people I barely know. It has been a struggle and I have received much rejection. Did I mention I had a time line to find this great person to work with and as time got closer, I got more stressed and worried, but then I began to wonder if God was trying to show me something in this whole process of strife that I was going through. Each time I received a rejection email a little piece of my heart was crying inside. I kept a strong and positive outlook, but do you ever just feel like you are crying on the inside when you are hoping for the good and you keep getting let down, it creates a loneliness inside no matter what the let down is. Why does it create a loneliness? Well I have pondered this lately as I have experienced a let down in my life recently. I can say when things in life do not go as we...