Being let-down

Recently, I have been on a time crunch to find a preceptor to work with in the hospital. I have called places, hospitals, and people, people I work with, people I am acquainted with and people I barely know. It has been a struggle and I have received much rejection. Did I mention I had a time line to find this great person to work with and as time got closer, I got more stressed and worried, but then I began to wonder if God was trying to show me something in this whole process of strife that I was going through.

Each time I received a rejection email a little piece of my heart was crying inside. I kept a strong and positive outlook, but do you ever just feel like you are crying on the inside when you are hoping for the good and you keep getting let down, it creates a loneliness inside no matter what the let down is.

Why does it create a loneliness? Well I have pondered this lately as I have experienced a let down in my life recently. I can say when things in life do not go as we planned or as hoped or even how we expected it to go, we turn a little inward. Even if we don't mean to it's human, it's carnal, it happens.
As we turn inward we loose our focus a little, (you know that focus to be lights of the world and a beacon of hope for Christ) and we begin to focus on self. We begin to question just what are we doing in the place we are in and why? This can go one of two ways:

1. You can begin to jump into God's word and lean to him for understanding and hope and comfort and peace. If it's life changing or a decision let down, you may even wonder if God is shutting a door or wanting you to change your course with the decisions you have made thus far. If it's relational, he may be trying to teach you something about yourself or others. Or it may even be a direct hit and slap in the face because of someone's else's poor decisions and you as well get the back lash and refinery that goes along with being a part of that wonderful person's life. Regardless though looking to Christ and his word is the right thing to do.

Otherwise..... you experience #2

2. The other way this whole situation could go is that you continue to turn inward, and oppressed and you look at the world the way satan wants you to look at it. Satan would have you look at the world as gloom and doom and all men and woman fall and everyone is against you and there is no good in anyone, no compassion and no one cares about you. Then depression may set in and before you know it, life is not worth living and you are just gliding along in a gray area, just getting by.

So I know everyone reading this has been let down by someone, something, hopes, dreams, failures, rejections. I want to ask you today, what are you gonna do about it? Are you gonna fight? Are you gonna resist Satan and throw yourself into God's word and his hope?

There are always crossroads in life......choose wisely!

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3


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