
Showing posts from May, 2015

The view from my window

The view from my window .... Have you had that moment driving down the road or walking even and you have to take a double take? You know when you're not sure if you think you saw what you think you saw? Well, I have that  a lot. While I have lived in several different places, even San Francisco, I am constantly in awe as I look around me and see the crazy here in Florida. I don't mean just crazy people, which is quite the case here. I mean crazy dress, crazy action, crazy drivers, crazy items just left on the street. Sometimes I feel as if I have more culture shock here in Florida than I ever did in California. Go figure.... Honestly though, the view is quite sad. I see hundreds of people in nice cars each day in a rat race on the interstate,  running to make that next dollar and be successful as the world defines success. I see sad faces, tears and hurt as they go, they look they try but they never find what they are looking for, just a journey of searching. I see...