The view from my window

The view from my window ....

Have you had that moment driving down the road or walking even and you have to take a double take? You know when you're not sure if you think you saw what you think you saw?

Well, I have that  a lot. While I have lived in several different places, even San Francisco, I am constantly in awe as I look around me and see the crazy here in Florida. I don't mean just crazy people, which is quite the case here. I mean crazy dress, crazy action, crazy drivers, crazy items just left on the street. Sometimes I feel as if I have more culture shock here in Florida than I ever did in California. Go figure....

Honestly though, the view is quite sad.

I see hundreds of people in nice cars each day in a rat race on the interstate,  running to make that next dollar and be successful as the world defines success.

I see sad faces, tears and hurt as they go, they look they try but they never find what they are looking for, just a journey of searching.

I see disgruntled Christians, un churched, de churched and the ones that are half churched and lukewarm.

Many people flock to Florida each year in search of warmth, good weather, sun, and what the world classifies as an optimal place to live. The cost of living is cheaper than the West Coast, the weather is not as harsh as the northern states,  and that is why there are so many people all around.

Some come in search of a new life, some come for retirement, some come for the weather, some actually come because their job transferred them here, but regardless the reason, there are a lot of people here.

I never thought I would be living in such a populated place raising my children and being a part of the crazy but here I am.

But God is here too. He is here and He is omnipresent. that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God's power. 1Cor 2:5

We are here to spread the good news. While I don't always feel like spreading that good news as somehow I am part of the rat race too working full time and participating in busyness way of life here. I am reminded he put me where I am for a reason, he put me in this city for a reason and there are so many people that need His hope, his promises and his refuge.

Then he told his disciples, "The harvest is vast, but the workers are few. Matt 9:37

While I feel like the harvest is not so ready but the fields are plenty. There is much to harvest here, but the mindset is not always accepting of God or church or even hope. It is a great feat, but not impossible, because God is here. There is also a great bunch of people here to help, that love God and want to spread his good cheer, his hope and his word.

God is here.

I firmly believe with all my heart He wants to do a great work here. He will do a great work and we are just instruments to help him accomplish it.

I am reminded in many ways, and catch glimpses from my window in his beauty from nature.  I love to capture sunrises and sunsets on my camera, why because just the majesty of it reminds me of God, his higher power, his sovereignty and I am reminded that the view from my window is sometimes pretty awesome !!!


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