How do you define yourself?

I can remember as a child, or young person, I was defined by my parents, and while that wasn't a bad thing, they were loving parents, we were poor and I grew up poor, with my Dad in my ear," if you want better, you have to do good in school and go to college."
I began to define myself by my ambition, what I did in life, the career path I chose would define me and I was gonna have money and I was gonna be well thought of and I would be defined as such.
I had dreams of being rich, working hard and enjoying the payoff. That's how I defined myself.

Instead of that rich doctor or lawyer, I became a nurse, that's how I define myself and others define me -the nurse. Never became rich.

As my children came along, I began to define myself as mom, my children's mom, that was the place I wanted to be, beside them, helping and teaching them, I didn't want to work a full time job, I wanted to be mom first, defined by mom. That whole career was out the window, ambition gone, all I saw was how could I be a better mom, how can I mold these two beings into being more like Christ, how can I make two good people in this world.

Well life hasn't turned out quite as planned, I have not been able to be the stay at home mom, the mom that only works part-time and does all the extra-curricular events with my children. I haven't been the mom involved in their schools and making sure all homework is done for the night... no, I haven't been able to do that like I want, still defined as the nurse, but I have had to wear many hats:  mom, nurse, wife, daughter, sister,  teacher, helper, friend.  Sometimes I feel like Danny's wife, the preachers wife, the helper, helpmate, friend. But what defines me?
I would hope that Christ defines me, I want all those things and don't even mind wearing many hats, but most of all I want to be defined as one of his. I want to please him, I want to go for him, do for him and work for him and I firmly believe that everything else will all fall into place. I firmly believe he will help me with my mommy role, that he will help me be the wife I should be and all else as well.

“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” – John 15:1,5

How do you define you? That job that you longed for? Does it define you and rule your world?  The perfect mom that does do all those things I don't?  Are you fulfilled? the wife who has it all together, the student? Are you defined by those things and is it what you thought it would be?

Define yourself in him.... or let him re-define you .......


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