What Matters in the end...

I recently was asked to give my testimony. I really do not like doing it because it makes me feel like I am giving a history of my life basically. With all the dysfunction and problems exposed and out in the open. But more importantly than the vulnerability is the fact that I really do not want people to feel sorry for me. The look in their eyes when I give my testimony is something I would really rather not see. I tell myself though by giving my testimony I might help someone else along the way who might be dealing with or have dealt with some of the same things I am.

This time though, I did it a little different. I gave God the glory and reminded everyone that my story is really His Story in that he did an amazing work in me. I say that because I remember where he brought me from.
Do you remember where he brought you from? I like the scripture "he brought me out of the miry pit" Psalm 40:2. That would have to be my life verse. As I am reminded my life could have went either way .... into a pit literally ... a pit of addiction and heart ache etc....

In all that though, I think the most important virtue that I could share with you today is forgiveness.

Yes, I said Forgiveness. !!!

People have a hard time with that one.

When I think of What happened to me that was out of my control and not because of any choices I made, then I could dwell on it and use it as a crutch but I don't and it's because of forgiveness. Maybe by divine intervention ... I don't know, but I know that God does not allow me to dwell there. For that I am very Thankful.

Forgiveness matters in the end..... It will free a heart, it resolves anger and it gives hope..... Forgive just as you were forgiven. (Matt 6, Col 3:13, 1John 1:8-9)

If you are dealing with anger or having trouble forgiving, ask God to help you, try it you will be able to live a free life that only God can give....


  1. Thank you for posting...always enjoy reading your blog, and they are very helpful.


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