The Weeds

As I was pulling weeds the other day, something that I don't usually do. I have never been much of a gardener because I had so many other projects to do and raising a family, working and being with that family that I help raise... I just never made time. Well as I was pulling weeds I found it quite therapeutic might I add, and as I was pulling the weeds I began to contemplate and pray on family and things in my life and I thought about how the weeds are stubborn and bothersome like some things in our life and then there are the weeds that are harder to get up and that is like some things that even though you pray and pray and deal with it, it just won't go away. Some of them as I pulled, just the tops came off and I heard the words of my sister, Ali, well that is a solution but just a quick fix, just a band aid for the problem, if you want that weed gone, you must go in there after the roots and that my dear is a solution to this problem.  So I go in there after the root. As I am pulling some are big and some are smaller, then I go after a small clump of grass with a huge body to it, a great chunk of dirt came out with it and tears came into my eyes as I though of a large, massive stronghold I am dealing with in my life right now and how if you pull the whole thing up what a large hole it leaves, so I began raking off some of the dirt back into the flower bed so there wouldn't be such a large hole left.  Just like life you can't just abruptly  do things, sometimes though the hole be great, you must try and refill it, you must fill it in again but still get that stubborn large weed out from the roots or it keeps gnawing at you.
   Sometimes life isn't fair, sometimes things don't go the way we invisioned it to go, or we think it should go or how it goes for our peers, but its your life and we must make the best of it. We must find that silver lining and sometimes put on those rose colored glasses and just go with it. I find strength in God's word, in his scripture and in his promises and that's where I choose to tarry, that is where I leave those stubborn weeds that I cannot seem to get all the root up, where I tried and cannot , I have fumbled and cannot find the right words, or say the right things, I give it to him, my refuge, my strong tower and my deliverer.

But you are a tower of refuge to the poor, O Lord,
    a tower of refuge to the needy in distress.
You are a refuge from the storm
    and a shelter from the heat.
For the oppressive acts of ruthless people
    are like a storm beating against a wall,(Isaiah 25:4, NLT)


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