Definition of a MOM

What do we all think a mom should be ? Strong? Faithful, Loyal, Wise, Hardworking, of course loving, steadfast, helpful... I could go on and on.....

My mom, though not perfect was to me a great mom.

A Strong Woman: When she went into the hospital in February  for her gallbladder, we all joked that she was the healthiest sick person we know. Though she had been struggling with COPD for about 8 years she never had to be hospitalized for it and when asked about hospitalizations we had to say well it was when she had her hysterectomy like 20 years ago. This was after birthing 6 kids and helping to raise  her sisters too. One being like a sister to me as she lived with us when her mom died.

A Woman of Faith: She wasn't perfect, and she wasn't always in church, but through her love for others it was evident. My aunt told me a story of how she took them to church when they were younger and she was the big sister. She had God's word in her heart and she did her best to live it.

She was a strong woman. A quite women in many respects, no she didn't have flowery words to offer or feel good encouraging words like some women. You know the ones that just speak wisdom and say the right thing at the very moment needed... those 2nd mamas or ladies in your life that have nurtured you in other ways... she wasn't that type... no, she was the strong quite type who operated from action. But when she did speak I listened.

A Woman of Action: She didn't have to say come over and I will give you my food when I have little, she didn't have to brag or tell others she worked her fingers to the bone for her family and at times being the only working parent of 6. She didn't remind us of all the times she asked for help cleaning and as a teen we might have had other things to do and didn't help her like we should have. She didn't remind us that many times there might not have been enough food for our big family and she would give us a normal portion and herself less or none at all. I saw it.... that true mother instinct in my mom.

A Woman of Love: Well I have pretty much spoke of love already, but she loved. She loved my dad and stood by him through some very hard years for him. She loved all of us even when we were not good children. Even when we were rude, disrespectful, and struggling with our own paths, she still loved, she still opened her home and heart to all. She loved.

A Hardworking woman: She saw a need and did it.... you need a dress and you couldn't afford that extravagance, oh well she made it. She could make a meal when we all thought there was nothing in the house to eat and it would be good. One summer I remember she planted a garden and though she might have made us work in it some, I remember clearly her working so hard in it. She could bake, garden, draw, paint, can, make jelly, work at a job, make A's in school as an adult while she would work a regular job at the same time and take care of family.

Now she is gone, if your mom is still living , tell her you love her, tell her things she has helped you do, things you like about her. Help her if you still live at home. She is wise and has lived, listen to her.


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