How Astrology Met Christmas
I admit I am a star lover, a sky lover, a moon lover. I love to look at the vast sky and see the beauty if provides. Throw in a meteor shower and I feel like I am the luckiest person alive. As I was praying this morning, I began to cry - to cry for my family that struggles at Christmas, the lost family, the family crossed over, gone, moved on and just not here. I cried for what was and what is and what will be. Before long I was no longer shedding tears for prayers but now feeling sorry for myself. Funny how our emotions always land on self even in our best effort, with the best intentions of thinking of others. I began to search for comforting scripture and I just have not been able to get the "star" out of my mind. I decided to look up the star and see how it guided and comforted the wise men. I was in a play once and one of my lines was "oh the Star, if only he could find the star( the girl I played just wanted a non-believer to believe ) " I think of the son...