Do you Fight it or Leave It

 Have you ever been blamed for something you didn't do? 

Then once you say I didn't do that you hear it again.... 

Then you wonder, do they not see my character, do they not know me and that the accusation is so far from my character that it is preposterous ? 

I was praying about it this morning, feeling like maybe it's a spiritual battle and something I just have to endure. 

I remember as a young Christian wondering what it meant when someone said they are facing a spiritual battle. Now I know it is a fight between darkness and good. It is the human side of us, the carnal side that involves emotions and rumors, and deep dark thoughts of self loathing and low self esteem and comfort and validity that cause us to do things or say things or feel things that are not of God. It is darkness, it is the sin that no one talks about. The sin that leads to depression and dark places of addiction. It is a fight between good and evil behind the scenes or in your mind that no one sees. It is our Father fighting for us and in us, while we stare at the devil head on. 

Sometimes a spiritual battle is enduring people talking about you and questioning you about things you didn't say, but they must believe it somewhat because they questioned you about it. 

When you endure that defamation of your character, you come to a crossroads and wonder and pray about it.....

You pray how hard do I fight this? 

Truth is I am not much of a fighter, I had rather be quite most times and have been quite before, not even explaining myself just shrinking back and praying but sometimes it's different and it comes up again, and maybe that is the point at which you fight. 

Scripture says : 

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you 1 Peter 4:12

As I searched I ran across more and more scripture that what is happening to me right now is nothing new or special. It happens all the time to many people, why? Because darkness always tries to over power light. The world we live in wasn't meant to be a bed of roses. Trials build character, it teaches us lessons.

I searched on and was reminded that when we are hit with fiery darts, we are to put on the shield of faith  to combat those trials according to Ephesians 6. 

The words “fiery darts” are from the Greek word belos. It referred to an arrow with its tip wrapped with fabric soaked in flammable fluids so it would burn with hot and angry flames. The famous Greek writer Thycidides used this Greek word belos to depict specially-made, long, slender arrows that outwardly looked harmless; however, the hollow interior of the arrow was filled with flammable fluids that, upon impact, exploded into a raging fire. This last arrow is most likely the picture that Paul had in his mind when he wrote about the “…fiery darts of the wicked.

Still posing the question ....... fight or be still. Praying for wisdom. 


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