Holding My Breath

 That moment when you get THE news

The kind of news that leaves you shaking on the inside 

Then you realize your holding your breath and can't hide.

The kind of news that makes you feel like you could cry, you want to leave

Because, fight or flight kicks in but you remain, and feel the bleed.

Responsibilities, distance, all that is required of you.

But you just hold your breath and feel like you turn blue.

And life is going on all around, 

You are removed from the Chaos, yet bound

Cannot do your work or concentrate on the now.

Yet, you cannot teleport to family and be there somehow.

So you sit and feel like a zombie, frozen like a bird in snow

The empathy is heavy and the heart is low.

Thinking of memories passed, thinking of the life

Replaying words and phone calls and all the strife. 

But each life is special and each person is too 

We live, we die, it's how we are made to do. 

So we all do our best to be the comfort and show the love

We offer words, we offer hugs

At the end of the day 

life is but a vapor then away

we breathe out we breath in

releasing the breath we hold again.


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