
I was thinking this morning how grateful I am that God showed up for us last night. This morning, I wanted to shout out a Praise....

Praise God Paige's reaction was not worse, Praise God he showed up, Praise God we did not have to go to the hospital. Praise God !!!!

 Paige ingested some Peanut sauce unknown to herself or me, then she told me her throat felt funny and then the night began.

It was quite trying for me her mother to watch as her little body decided if it was gonna fight or shut down.
It began with her spitting, spitting up mucous as the histamines released in her body and noticed that there was poison within.

She said she was fine and refused to let me poke her with the Epi -pen as she said no mom I am fine, I only need that if I am wheezing... hmm we will see.

Well it was men's meeting night at our house, so us girls go on our usual girls night, out to find something to do for 2 hours while they meet.

As we are in the Costume store, she says I don't feel so good and I hear her taking deep breaths and though I don't hear wheezing or difficulty breathing, I know her body is fighting, fighting to keep her blood pressure up and cope with this allergen it has received.
She goes to the bathroom and decides that she feels bad and just wants to go home or lay in the car if we cannot go home. Her stomach hurts as her GI tract is now deciding to try and rid this allergen.

We go to the car and I fight with my phone for a bit as it decides to die on me with 37% battery still on it, but it dies and I have no way to call for emergency assistance if needed or call home to see what Danny thinks, at this point I am thinking, should I take her on to the hospital, urgent care, hmmm.  I sit there a while longer thinking my phone will charge and at the same time there are people all around that can call 911 if needed since my phone is on the blink.
She is laying down in the back seat and as she sits up to spit, I see bags under her eyes and her face looks slightly swollen and I think angio-edema......

The nurse has left the building and mommy is deciding this is too much and we need someone with more anaphylaxis experience.  Still no wheezing or difficulty breathing.

I hang in there and decide we are going home, she is sick, I know there is a men's meeting going on and I don't want to interrupt but we may just pick Danny up on the way to the hospital since I have no phone service, Driving home is probably best as we were only about 10 min away.

As the GI tract began the process of ridding her body of the allergen, I encourage her to throw up if she at all feels the need and tell her to not hold back as her body is trying to get rid of it.
She tells me to turn the air up  and roll the window down as she needs air and she is very hot.

Shortly down the road, she tells me to pull over and we do,  about 2 hours has lapsed since the ingestion of this pasta dish with peanut sauce hidden in it.... 2 bites is all she ate.

She says she feels some better but just wants to lay down.

We arrive home and I tell her not to disturb anyone and just go straight to her room as I know her Dad will see her and check on her and then come out to the car where I decide McKenzie and I will sit until we get clearance to go in... lol.. but first I must clean the throw up off the window of the car.

We go in and she says she feels much better so we don't go to the ER but I sit with her in her room while they finish the men's group and all is well.

I watched her off and on all night and I praise the Lord for protecting her from worse. God is Good !!


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