About Leaving...

Many a song, whatever the genre will often voice lyrics about leaving.  Whether it’s about a parent that leaves, a boyfriend, girlfriend or best friend, life is all about people coming and going out of our lives. 

I remember talking with someone a while back and how it had crippled them when they focused on the people that left them in their life. Truth of the matter is,  Life is about leaving. 
Somehow when we can come to terms with that, we are stronger.   

We come, we go, we love, we leave. 

Young adults leave when they grow up, our parents leave us when they pass, we leave when we pass. Life is about leaving. 

I can remember when Danny accepted the call and the people we had to leave. The betrayal some felt, the hurt as we moved away. We actually hurt others by following God’s call, that should not be so, but it is. It is a part of life… accepting loss, and people leaving. 

So what do we do about it? Do we concentrate on the void in our life, the missing piece? 

No, we go on, we live on and we realize how much richer our life is and was due to that person.

Life is all about having relationships, and being relational and letting go when the time is right. 
Sometimes that makes us lonely, but most of the time it makes us stronger, more confident, and enriched in having experienced someone else’s views, culture and personality. 

So, in order to experience a rich full life, we cannot focus on the leaving, we must focus on the blessing, the dance, the experience, and go on even when people leave. 

You only live once, so in that life, though it may involve leaving, live it to the fullest. Bless others, make your experience with others great, not by any other thing, but LOVE. 

(This blog is about life… it’s about people that come and go in our lives. Loss through Death, well that is a whole other blog, and topic. Death comes as a thief at times and robs us, and leaves us in a stand still while the world keeps on turning.) 


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