
My last blog was titled "Being let-down". I was reflecting on what I was feeling lately and how God works in our lives.

Now I want to ask how do you embrace change. I kinda touched on it in the last blog. Do you realize that God is in control and everything is on his timing?

Lately, for me, I have felt a peace. Even though I am not getting to do my practicum this past semester and it will put me 6 months later finishing my graduate degree, I feel lighter and less stressed.

Why do I feel that way? I feel that way because I know that God has got something good in store for me. I know that God is in control and he is helping me, teaching me and guiding me and I am listening.
This is a time for me to listen and I am trying to do just that.

This quote made me think about my journey:

"The only things we can keep are the things we freely give to God. What we try to keep for ourselves is just what we are sure to lose"-CSLewis

That is exactly what I did, I gave it over to God and all things came around. He knew what I needed and a small break was probably a needed thing that God orchestrated.

We are all on a journey. A journey of life, and in that journey there are lessons to be learned and lessons to be taught.

Sometimes we don't always get what we want in our timing. It's God's timing and we are to just have faith that he is will us and Jesus Christ advocates for us. When you think about that, it's amazing.
Amazing to realize that we do have someone on our side and someone to go to when we feel alone and off the path.


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