From Ordinary to Extraordinary

At Christmas we often think of Jesus and his birth. We celebrate it and relish on the fact of a Savior and redeemer for all mankind.

Each time I read the Christmas Story something new is revealed to me. I love reading the Bible as something new can be revealed in the same story over and over, and that's how my God is amazing !

10" But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; 11 for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is [a]Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10-11

Anyway, as I was reading the story and listening also to my husband's message this week on the birth of Jesus, I realized something that I had not really thought about before. I realized who God chose to deliver the message of Jesus' birth.  Well angels of course, but the angels did not deliver it to the whole world, which they could have if God wanted it that way, no they did not, He did not.

He delivered it through the angels to the SHEPHERDS.... Shepherds, ordinary men, just your average Joe, hard worker, laborer, graveyard shift workers... He chose them to spread the news about JESUS !

They went to see the baby Jesus and they spread the news about his coming, maybe God chose them because there are great numbers of them all around and he figured they could spread the news the quickest, but Angels from Heaven could have spread it much faster. No, he wanted an average man to tell the news, why? Because he created us to be relational and he wants you no matter how ordinary, plain or insignificant you feel, he wants you to spread the news as well. He wants you to tell your family, your coworkers, your friends that there is a Jesus Christ, that Christmas is about Christ, that he is alive and well and in your heart and mine, that he loves you, he cares for you and he wants to be a part of your life if you will let him.

God designed the perfect plan- salvation through his son. He was born on Christmas day and he was born in a lowly manger to regular people, ordinary, but an extraordinary miracle, so that you and I can understand and relate to the story.

Why? because he wants you, he wants you in all your flaws, in all your sin, in all your mistakes, he wants you to come to him .....ordinary...... but leave....... EXTRAORDINARY !!!

Satan will try and convince you that it's hard, but it's not, it's easy, it's easy to understand, it's simple, he will do an extraordinary work in you if you will let him, if you are willing and if you truly want him to be Lord of your Life. Submit to him today and see the work he can do in you, for you and through you. He wants to use you for HIS Glory !!


  1. Great message, Mary...thank you and God Bless...MERRY CHRISTMAS!


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