What is really Important from Fathers
Are there times when you just want your dad, or your mom, or anyone to comfort you in your present circumstance. Maybe you just want to ask a question but it's impossible.
It's been so many years since I lost my dad. I was in my twenties and felt like such an orphan when he passed. I had always been so independent -so, not for that reason, but for the reason that my family circle was broken. My family was broken and those memories of him drinking and being rowdy now became the only memories. The piggy back rides, the joking, the fun...... a memory.
One memory though that stands out ... even though we were not extremely close, is the memory of his heart.
He had a heart of gold. Countless times as a truck driver he would pick up strays, not animals...people, and some would end up at our house. He was a champion for the weak. Now as a young man and even teen he might have been a bit of a bully. He played football and played hard. He was pretty popular at school and yeah as a foot ball jock might have been a bit of a bully(cause he could be very aggravating too- as I remember well growing up).
In my eyes though he loved people, the lowly, the unlovable and the struggling people in this world that needed boosting up. He had been hurt by people, but he still loved.
We never had material things although my dad tried. He failed at some business ventures, and often went back to driving a truck, with 6 kids and a love of alcohol it was really impossible to get ahead.
I never thought or wanted to marry a man like my daddy because I never wanted alcohol or drugs in my life, but really I think I married someone very similar to my dad....
Someone who loves people, the weak, the struggling, the down trodden.
Life isn't about the material things you provide or have. Life is truly about Love and my daddy taught me a lot about love.
It's been so many years since I lost my dad. I was in my twenties and felt like such an orphan when he passed. I had always been so independent -so, not for that reason, but for the reason that my family circle was broken. My family was broken and those memories of him drinking and being rowdy now became the only memories. The piggy back rides, the joking, the fun...... a memory.
One memory though that stands out ... even though we were not extremely close, is the memory of his heart.
He had a heart of gold. Countless times as a truck driver he would pick up strays, not animals...people, and some would end up at our house. He was a champion for the weak. Now as a young man and even teen he might have been a bit of a bully. He played football and played hard. He was pretty popular at school and yeah as a foot ball jock might have been a bit of a bully(cause he could be very aggravating too- as I remember well growing up).
In my eyes though he loved people, the lowly, the unlovable and the struggling people in this world that needed boosting up. He had been hurt by people, but he still loved.
We never had material things although my dad tried. He failed at some business ventures, and often went back to driving a truck, with 6 kids and a love of alcohol it was really impossible to get ahead.
I never thought or wanted to marry a man like my daddy because I never wanted alcohol or drugs in my life, but really I think I married someone very similar to my dad....
Someone who loves people, the weak, the struggling, the down trodden.
Life isn't about the material things you provide or have. Life is truly about Love and my daddy taught me a lot about love.
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