
Showing posts from September, 2015

You search for purpose, but you are only looking in the mirror.

Rick Warren penned and I quote " Humility is not denying your strengths. Humility is being honest about your weaknesses.” How true is that, being honest about your weaknesses.... Someone told me the other day that they could not cry,  that crying is a sign of weakness, and I say cry, be real..... don't let others tell you how to be. Why is it hard to be honest about weakness, to have a weak moment, to fall and get up... We live in a world of Selfism right now.  I mean take a look on Facebook and instagram at the selfies, and narcissistic comments. Everyone is living their own movie star life as their story unfolds on Facebook, instagram and tumbler. People do not see the need for God, or church or fellowship with others as they are inward searching for answers - selfism. While I do believe in knowing yourself, and searching inward for answers, you cannot be inward focused all the time or you will be miserable. You search for purpose but you are only look...

Vines and Weeds

Monday is my day off and usually errand day, I do try and rest but rest is for the weak I often say, as I soldier on and keep on keeping on. I had two big tasks Yesterday, one of my tasks was accomplished as I cleaned up a small corner of our yard that had been overtaken by some vines.  I was thinking how quickly those vines take over, it seemed like we were just recently out here and it wasn't like this, but the rain and has it rained, has just helped them grow abundantly. I noticed how once they take over something they really choke it out.  There was a tree growing under some of these, but the vines,  or maybe time had killed it and in the spring some men came and cut the tree down, but we noticed how the vines had just come in with a vengeance and maybe even spread more than when the tree was there, or maybe with the tree gone they had more room to spread and snake around everything, but regardless they needed to go. Satan is kinda like those vines, you may notice ...

The Giving Tree

The giving tree, keeps giving, going Striving, Thriving Through drought, through storm, Through pain and loss, The giving tree gives.... God heals when branches break When leaves fall The giving tree continues to grow Because God is the sustainer, God is the omnipotent, sovereign  Maker of all things I am only a caretaker of the mighty tree, I can water, I can prune, I can till the ground, I can toil on the ground, but God is in control of the Giving Tree I am but an instrument, a vessel willing to be used and used up for him,  When the tree suffers I do.... All that work...  I fret, I cry But God reminds me that he is in control of the Giving Tree......... He heals when storms come, He prunes, he protects, He is in control of the Giving Tree.

How to obtain wisdom....

I was thinking about some scripture that Danny read to me the other day. The scripture reading was Proverbs chapter 2 and I loved the poetic way wisdom was portrayed. I love poetry anyway so it spoke to me. If you read Proverbs 2, the topic is wisdom and understanding and the benefits of having both. I love the part that says search for them as you would silver, seek them like hidden treasures. I have often prayed for wisdom, and understanding as I know it comes from God. It's easy to get worldly knowledge to know things, and be scholarly if you want.  That's the easy part. The hard part is searching for wisdom like treasure. This treasure can only come from God, and life, but mostly from living your life and allowing God to mold you into what he wants. In the very beginning verse 1, he says listen to what I say, and treasure my commands...... We are all searching for purpose and God's plan for our life, when it's so simple.... HIM But it's kinda l...