You search for purpose, but you are only looking in the mirror.

Rick Warren penned and I quote " Humility is not denying your strengths. Humility is being honest about your weaknesses.”

How true is that, being honest about your weaknesses....

Someone told me the other day that they could not cry,  that crying is a sign of weakness, and I say cry, be real..... don't let others tell you how to be.

Why is it hard to be honest about weakness, to have a weak moment, to fall and get up...

We live in a world of Selfism right now.  I mean take a look on Facebook and instagram at the selfies, and narcissistic comments.

Everyone is living their own movie star life as their story unfolds on Facebook, instagram and tumbler.

People do not see the need for God, or church or fellowship with others as they are inward searching for answers - selfism.

While I do believe in knowing yourself, and searching inward for answers, you cannot be inward focused all the time or you will be miserable.

You search for purpose but you are only looking in the mirror.

Broaden your horizons and look up, look out and look around you.... God will give you purpose.
If you are serving yourself you may or may not ever find purpose, if you are serving God, ask him what your purpose is but start off by reading His word, The Bible,  and I guarantee you will find purpose if you earnestly search.

I do not know all the answers, but I do know one answer and that is Jesus Christ..... faith, hope, love, humility, charity, kindness.... all of those things will go a long way.

Humility will help you stay humble, it will help you seek what you are looking for... often God uses broken things, he is the master potter, the silversmith, the fixer, the helper, the comforter, he is molding you and me.
We don't have to live in a state of brokenness, or weakness, but we do need to recognize that humility is not weakness, but a pathway to honesty and strength.


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