Vines and Weeds

Monday is my day off and usually errand day, I do try and rest but rest is for the weak I often say, as I soldier on and keep on keeping on.
I had two big tasks Yesterday, one of my tasks was accomplished as I cleaned up a small corner of our yard that had been overtaken by some vines.  I was thinking how quickly those vines take over, it seemed like we were just recently out here and it wasn't like this, but the rain and has it rained, has just helped them grow abundantly. I noticed how once they take over something they really choke it out.  There was a tree growing under some of these, but the vines,  or maybe time had killed it and in the spring some men came and cut the tree down, but we noticed how the vines had just come in with a vengeance and maybe even spread more than when the tree was there, or maybe with the tree gone they had more room to spread and snake around everything, but regardless they needed to go.

Satan is kinda like those vines, you may notice him some in your life, as you let the world in, and he comes in subtle and sometimes soft, but before you know it, he has taken over, and is choking the life out of you and or your family or family members before you realize it.

As  I pulled at the vines with all my might,  I felt like I was fighting a fight against everything in my life right now. I felt that if I could get that area of vines removed all would be well and somehow everything in life would be better in that moment at that time, all of my angst focused on removal of the vines.

I want to challenge you now, that if there is something in your life choking you or silently creeping in and trying to take over, go to battle with it, face it and go to prayer against it. Seek God. There is a song out there called Draw nigh to God and he will draw night to you.(James 4:8).  Seek him in the midst of your troubles. He will see you through, and he will strengthen you. His promises are true and he is a living God !!

I came out scratched and wounded  from all those vines, but I won ! With the help of Danny, we got rid of them.
You may feel wounded, but with God's help, you can and you will win !!
How do I know this? Well,  I read the back of the book !


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