How to obtain wisdom....

I was thinking about some scripture that Danny read to me the other day. The scripture reading was Proverbs chapter 2 and I loved the poetic way wisdom was portrayed. I love poetry anyway so it spoke to me.

If you read Proverbs 2, the topic is wisdom and understanding and the benefits of having both.
I love the part that says search for them as you would silver, seek them like hidden treasures.

I have often prayed for wisdom, and understanding as I know it comes from God.

It's easy to get worldly knowledge to know things, and be scholarly if you want.  That's the easy part.
The hard part is searching for wisdom like treasure.

This treasure can only come from God, and life, but mostly from living your life and allowing God to mold you into what he wants.

In the very beginning verse 1, he says listen to what I say, and treasure my commands......

We are all searching for purpose and God's plan for our life, when it's so simple....


But it's kinda like going to church and being dedicated and committed and serving, and working for HIM ..... no one wants to be that deep into it.
I mean aren't we suppose to work out our own salvation(the way we want it) the path we can live with, with the things we want in our life. Well it does say work out your own salvation but under that it says with fear and trembling ....

The age old problem is self, selfishness, inwardness, we all struggle with it in some form... we all want more but not more God, not more church, not more work... just more.....

Seek out wisdom...."then you will know what it means to fear the Lord" Prov 2:5

How do you obtain wisdom? Read Prov 2... seek out God, keep his commands, fear him, and submit, allowing him to mold your life...

How do you obtain wisdom? Through HIM


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