The Voice inside my Head

Today, I began a run alone, and while I knew it wasn't too far, I think this was the first time I ran alone, more than 2 miles anyway.  I really do not like to run. Well,  short runs like 1-2 miles are fine as I do not hurt so much after but a 4+ mile run has me sore for days, and sleeping on a heating pad because of my arthritis. So my bones do not like runs. ( I used to think arthritis was for old people and though I am getting older, I was diagnosed in my early 30's with it and it is not fun).
I like running with Danny or others as it keeps me accountable and it's even kinda social in a sense.

As I was running alone, I realized it's just me and the voice inside my head to encourage me, and to  coach me to go on, just me and my thoughts and the music to listen to.  I would find myself going back to those coaching words, head up, shoulders back, light feet....Then there were times,  I thought since I am alone,  I can even walk if I want and when I want... haha.
So it's evident I still don't have a runner's mind or a runner's body, I want to do my best and be ready for the upcoming race we signed up for.

Isn't life kinda like a run... there are times when we are with others and it's great and the coaching, encouragement and accountability are what we need, but then there are times when we are all alone.

Sometimes as we are finding ourselves at a tender age just starting out we realize we are all alone in this world. There are times, we find ourselves left alone and widowed or through divorce left alone. We may be at a large university or out in the world full of people, and we might find ourselves alone, feeling alone or just purely alone in this world.

When that day comes, we must have the voice inside our head that we know, that still small voice to lead us on, to encourage us, to help us and to comfort us. Sometimes we go back to what we know and listen.

There was a time in the Old Testament when Elijah left Elisha( 2Kings 2). God called him home and he was called away on a chariot of fire (v.11) Elisha was left alone.  In verse 14, He was alone at Jordan, he was put to the test as to what he had learned from Elijah and now it was up to him to rely on his own faith in God to get him through this, as he could not rely on Elijah any longer.

So sometimes in life we are alone, we may be at our own Jordan, This may be the time to rely on your own faith, what you know, and go forward feeding yourself in God's word. Maybe it is time for him to use you.
Listen to his call, he will call those who have Him within and because you have Him within you will hear, and you will want to do what he asks not out of obligation but out of love.

Listen to that voice inside your head, HIS voice, sometimes it's a still small voice, but sometimes it is more if you know HIM and trust HIM and are in fellowship with him, he speaks, we must listen.


  1. It took me having to be alone to find HIM again in my life and put HIM first again. I'm still alone, but it's a good kind of alone now. It's a not so lonely...alone. Thanks for the blog!


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