The Dance

It feels horrible to be lied to.  Even if it was later declared as a mis understanding or lack of communication. That moment when it feels like you have been lied to is a very sad time for me anyway…   
 Maybe it’s because I am so honest or such a realist, I am not sure, but I do not like to be lied to. I do not like for it to be declared a lack of communication either because then I am made to feel crazy like I did not hear what I thought I heard. Oh the webs we weave. 

Sometimes love hurts but the dance is part of life that you might not get otherwise. Those sweet babies that walk on your feet when they are little and your heart when they are big… That human connection, emotional investment, sharing, etc…. It’s all part of God’s plan. Oh but the spider webs can get dense. I think I know what Gwen Stefani was singing about when she penned the words about the spider webs in her way. God created us to want the human connection. Sin and a fallen world is what makes it so tangled. 

God grant me the grace to accept the things I cannot change, 
to change the things I can, and 
the wisdom to know the difference. 
Please give me the heart to continue to love and 
respect people for who they are, not what I want them to be.  
I want to look for and see the good in others 
Help me to navigate through the webs and tangles with 
your grace and hope lighting my pathway and 
allow me to hear the music and always continue to dance…. 

The dance is worth it …. 


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