
Showing posts from 2018

What is really Important from Fathers

Are there times when you just want your dad, or your mom, or anyone to comfort you in your present circumstance. Maybe you just want to ask a question but it's impossible. It's been so many years since I lost my dad. I was in my twenties and felt like such an orphan when he passed.  I had always been so independent -so, not for that reason, but for the reason that my family circle was broken. My family was broken and those memories of him drinking and being rowdy now became the only memories. The piggy back rides, the joking, the fun...... a memory. One memory though that stands out ... even though we were not extremely close,  is the memory of his heart. He had a heart of gold. Countless times as a truck driver he would pick up strays,  not animals...people,  and some would end up at our house. He was a champion for the weak. Now as a young man and even teen he might have been a bit of a bully. He played football and played hard. He was pretty popular at schoo...

The Action of Integrity

In a world full of competition and getting ahead, how do we retain and appreciate morals? Are morals slipping away? Often kids are taught morals in church but studies show more and more people are skipping church or if they are going they find that mega church that will allow them to just go to worship service get a feel good feeling and never connect. What about the children, well even if they are being dropped off in a program, they are getting the same - little connection, little engagement.  Are we teaching them morals at home? There was once a time in this great America that even if the parents did not darken a door of a religious building,  the mom or dad or both would still teach the children a great deal about morals and virtues. Are we doing that now ? As a teacher in adult learning, I am seeing less and less of the virtue of integrity.  We see more and more lapse in decision making and loss of academic integrity than what we would like. Why is this? Is i...

Work Hard, Achieve, Dream Big

     In today's schools, more and more kids are suffering from anxiety and depression. It's not always due to the parents or being pushed by the parents, but the busy world we live in thrives on such a competitive environment. Students feel that they must achieve at the top of their class in order to be successful. College tuition is at it's highest and student loans are as well. The generation we live in pushes to be debt free but the debt keeps building up. We are living in a false economy and our children are paying for it. Our lives are paying for it. Our family time, our down time is non-existent because we must work hard, achieve, dream big and our children are trying their best to follow in our footsteps but due to privilege they struggle because they don't understand or have the same drive, they just know that the competition is there and the struggle is real.   Gone are the days of being successful with a high school diploma, now the bachelor's degree is t...

Can One Act of Kindness Change the World?

Can one act of kindness change the world? Could something you do for one person, if we all committed to doing one act, would we change the world? Could we? I can remember the obsession America and the world had with Princess Diana. It wasn't just because she was royalty. It was because she was the 'people's princess'. She was kind, she helped others, but most of all she was the 'people's princess' because she cared about people. She never made anyone feel small with her presence,  she made people feel hopeful in mankind because of her presence and the love and kindness that she bestowed through her being.  Perhaps you can think of someone like that, someone in your life who helped you up, who lifted you, a kind word, a smile or act.   Do we all just get too busy, and too self absorbed to see our fellow man that struggles?  Words, smiles, and most gestures are free, it will not cost you a dime to encourage someone. Try it. I have a friend that...