Can One Act of Kindness Change the World?

Can one act of kindness change the world? Could something you do for one person, if we all committed to doing one act, would we change the world? Could we?

I can remember the obsession America and the world had with Princess Diana. It wasn't just because she was royalty. It was because she was the 'people's princess'. She was kind, she helped others, but most of all she was the 'people's princess' because she cared about people. She never made anyone feel small with her presence,  she made people feel hopeful in mankind because of her presence and the love and kindness that she bestowed through her being. 

Perhaps you can think of someone like that, someone in your life who helped you up, who lifted you, a kind word, a smile or act.  

Do we all just get too busy, and too self absorbed to see our fellow man that struggles?  Words, smiles, and most gestures are free, it will not cost you a dime to encourage someone. Try it.

I have a friend that struggles with depression. I have seen this friend at her worst. The depression seems to be fueled though by the constant let down she feels from the world, from people. Though we have had discussions about how people are born in sin and cannot help but sin and hurt others in that sin and in their own selfish desires, her reality is the fatality of the current state of the world that trickles down to her immediate world she lives in. She has trouble embracing the hope offered by a higher power. 

The other day I noticed how her whole day changed when someone offered her a simple free act of kindness. I can think of a child, who always looks down, doesn't talk much and seems depressed or EMO as the teens call it. This child blossomed like a flower with one act of kindness, one person who began talking to them in a positive way and offered an act of kindness to go with the conversation. 

I want to ask you to commit to one act of kindness a day, look for that person who seems forlorn, tired, weary and offer them some hope by one act of kindness if it is nothing more than a smile. 

Can we change the world?
Maybe, let's try it.


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