The Action of Integrity

In a world full of competition and getting ahead, how do we retain and appreciate morals?

Are morals slipping away? Often kids are taught morals in church but studies show more and more people are skipping church or if they are going they find that mega church that will allow them to just go to worship service get a feel good feeling and never connect. What about the children, well even if they are being dropped off in a program, they are getting the same - little connection, little engagement.  Are we teaching them morals at home?

There was once a time in this great America that even if the parents did not darken a door of a religious building,  the mom or dad or both would still teach the children a great deal about morals and virtues. Are we doing that now ?

As a teacher in adult learning, I am seeing less and less of the virtue of integrity.  We see more and more lapse in decision making and loss of academic integrity than what we would like. Why is this?

Is it because we have more technology to flag the academic dishonesty or are we loosing more morals as a people group, as a whole?

The Action of Integrity is doing the right thing and you do it for the right reason,  even when no one is looking or keeping you accountable.

Integrity is wholeness and authenticity. It is being intentional.

Authenticity means you do not wear masks and pretend, because doing what is right is often unpopular and one has to be okay with being unpopular.

Integrity does not just mean being honest, Integrity means being true, pure, real.

In a profession where integrity matters, I want to ask,

Do you possess integrity?

Does it matter in your profession?


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