Peace that passes all understaning...

Have you ever gotten any news that just really made you think?

 Well I have, and sometimes we have to just sit down and try and make sense of it, but in reality, it dosn't make sense. Alot of things in this world do not make sense. Alot of things are not fair and sometimes we just have to shake our head and release it from our soul and go on, or it will build up in us as anger, and resentment and harden our hearts to the point of making us desensitized and hard and even depressed.
Thats a whole other story, I could go on, but I won't on that subject today.

      I want to talk about pain, hurt and lack of understanding. What do you do when you have that? Where do you go with that? There is only one good place to go--Christ !! You have to give it to him, and if you pick it back up, give it over again. How do you give something to Christ, you pray, meditate, and do it all day long if you have to. I have noticed, the more I struggle with something, it is usually when I have an idol mind. If I am at work and busy and my mind can't wander, I concentrate on work, but it's those idol times, those days off, those mornings alone that one can really concentrate on memories, heartaches and lack of understanding, that can lead to worry, hurt, or worse. That's when I give it over, I ask God to take it, I try and think on something else.. I blog.. :) or write, pray or read God's word, look for answers and if no answer comes, rely on Faith. God dosn't want us to concentrate on dark, hurtful things, in Philippians Ch 4:8, we are instructed to think on good things, so even as far back as the Bible, someone had trouble with worry and sadness and peace. It's human nature...

  Faith? Trust, What does that look like? How do you apply it to this? Well, trust is like you do when you are a child, you trust that your parents are gonna buy groceries and feed you, you actually take it for granted, well our heavenly Father will not only feed us physically but also emotionally take care of us, if you surrender to him.
   Faith, well, Faith is knowing all this, knowing it and counting on it. There was a time in my life, when I experienced something un-explainable(there has been more than one) and the only thing at that time I could do was rely on Faith that God loved me and life just happens, and it's un-explainable at times, but I had to trust and know that God loved me and would get me through it. He did. He has and he will. If you still need encouragement on Faith, read Hebrews chapt 11.. very encouraging.

  God loves you too....surrender to him, give it all to him, all your hurts, he will release you from it.
But most of all, he will give you peace. And peace will get you through a lot !!

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Phil 4:7


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