Mothers Day

  I can remember a time, when I wasn't sure if I would get to be a mother.  After loosing two children to miscarriage I would often think, "Lord, what have I done wrong to deserve this"?  Other people all around me having children and I would think, why do they have no problems, and I can't seem to keep a baby in my womb?? On a good day, I would bask in the peace of my Lord and Savior and trust him in knowing what was best for me and I guess that is how I got through the terrible experiences of loosing a child that was growing inside of me. Maybe God has something different or better in store for me, maybe now is not the right wasn't.....................God knows and we have to trust.
   It wasn't his timing, it wasn't the right time.  Lot's of tears later, here I am..... 

I have two beautiful girls, today I spend a lot of time and energy on wishing I could be home more, be at more school functions, be around more, more present, more Suzy home maker mommy, but it isn't in my lot right now. I am a working mom.  I definitely am not perfect and I don't claim to be. But I try. I try with all that is within me to make the moments count when I can be the mom I want to be. I listen to the laughter and I treasure the kisses, the tenderness, and hugs that I get. I try to be intentional on instruction and wisdom for my children, always trying to teach, always trying to live a life worthy, so that when they see me they see a Godly example that they want to pattern after.
  I am grateful, I am thankful, I am blessed.  I am so blessed to get to be mommy. I am so blessed.
I have even had the privilege of investing in my nieces,  who I got to be mom to for a little while. Although I often wonder how I did there, I feel peace in my heart for the effort I gave to them as well, the prayers and tears that flow like a river as a mom.,,,, the heartache you feel for the ones you love is something a mother will always endure. The bittersweet stories of motherhood......Oh but the joy that is there. The love, the hope, the laughter and blessings are so great.
.........Thank you God for allowing me to be a mother !!


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