The difference

This morning as I was reading and praying, I came across a quote by someone"desperation leads to dependence on God" and I thought about that and how true it is.
I can remember growing up as a pre-teen and teen, broken. I lived in a dysfunctional home and I felt defeated, sad and lonely most of my early years. But I had a grandmother that was a strong Christian. She was faithful. She prayed and she was a rock for my family. I like to think I took after her in a lot of ways, at least her determination. She was a widow and she was self sufficient and strong. I sometimes wonder what makes me different others?

 Why do I have a strong connection to my faith, to Christ?

I would have to give my grandma some credit for being an example but for also taking me to church.
It was those years, though at the time I did not like going to church because I didn't feel like I fit in, but it was during that time I learned some dependency on Jesus Christ. He gave me hope in the darkness. I did not claim it at the time, I did not per se live in his will or live in communion with him, but he was there and he got me through. My desperation lead to a dependence on God then and even later that I did not even realize at the time. The worldly sector teaches that dependency isn't' good and it can be detrimental if you are depending on the wrong things. I am living proof that God cannot only make you self sufficient, give you hope, make you strong, give you a sound mind, but he can strengthen all that through depending on him.
Try it, if you are desperate, lonely and holding on to life by a string, try depending on the one thing that will get you through this world, JESUS CHRIST !!!

I have to say that he has revealed to me once again his awesomeness !!!!

For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 
2Timothy 1:7


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