Who is my neighbor....

   Danny has been teaching/preaching on God's commands to us.  I have heard this spoken before but I awoke this morning with it on my mind. I woke up thinking of my mom and how I wish I could do more for her and I wish I was closer and my mind started thinking about her neighbor.  She calls on this neighbor often for any immediate need she may have and I began to thank God for this neighbor and I prayed for her.
Who is my neighbor....
It's the woman around the way that dosn't drive and asks for help
It's the widow man down the street who has no one to cook for him, so he dosn't eat
It's the girl at the cash register who dosn't smile because she is having a bad day
It's the man on the corner who looks in disarray
It's the person who stole your parking place,
It's the child who is at your school who looks lonely and sad
It's the person next to you in the check out line that might need a smile

So your neighbor isn't your neighbor in a literal sense always. It is that person that you come in contact with only briefly or daily. It is the person who lives next to you or down the street. It is stranger that you have not met.

Jesus commanded that we are to love our neighbor.

The second is this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
Mark 12:30-32

We could all strive to love a little more, care a little more and show our light a little more.
Sometimes it must be intentional because our carnal/natural man dosn't always want to do that and that is when we must strive to do it. We could all use a little more love in our life.

Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: love therefore is the fulfilment of the law.
Romans 13:9-11

Love.... ahhhh to love one anoher, well that could fill up several blog pages.... but Love one another....Yeah that is what Jesus said, and that sums it up as a whole.... love one another, even the person you feel is unloveable .......LOVE


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