Freedom isn't Free... Why we take it for granted.

  Have you ever heard the saying... out of sight, out of mind? Well it's true, often if we don't see something with our own eyes, we either don't believe it or take for granted the luxury it impedes.

    Well it kinda reminds me of our Freedom, as we celebrate this forth and we get ready for fireworks and our barbecues' and time with family .... what exactly are we celebrating? It seems like we are just celebrating our times together, but there were men who fought hard for our freedom !  I won't go into a history lesson, but years ago our freedom was fought for so this great nation could be established. There are men today who still fight hard so that we can live free. I won't get into politics, but there are battles we don't know about and behind the scenes things that go on daily to secure this FREEDOM that we take for granted. There was a war fought, and still men in dangerous areas now that are securing your freedom and my freedom right now. It's hard to imagine because we don't always see it with our eyes,  but we must not take our freedom for granted and we must support our military!!
     This great nation, is a great nation, but throughout history often great nations fall, and eventually this one might, but right now we are still America the beautiful and still GREAT !! And I am proud to be an American and have the freedoms that we do. I am proud to live in a free country and have the freedoms that we do and that we take for granted.
     As I was walking the dog this morning I passed the church beside us and they took the trouble to put out hundreds of crosses and on all those small white crosses were soldiers pictures, soldiers that died fighting for this country, maybe not literally fighting for this country but fighting so that this country can be protected from the very things that could make it fall. As I was walking I decided to walk into the church parking lot and around all those crosses until I made a full circle and prayed for all the families that were represented there, all the mom's and dad's and spouses, and siblings and children left behind that they may have God's peace that surpasses all understanding. It's not memorial day, but there is a reason we are FREE...

Say a prayer for our Military, for our Government and for those families who have lost someone !!
Be Proud to be an American !!


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