Right here, right now.....

Have you ever been hungry, alone, destitute?

I am often reminded of the heart ache here in the US. While I think foreign missions is good and necessary. We, Americans have a huge mission field right here in the United States.

Each time someone returns from a foreign mission they are often humbled by the experience and often they have a life-changing adventure during their trip. I often wonder if these people are the ones that are more fortunate and they have never been hungry here, or destitute here in these great United States.

You look at the US and you think well we take care of our own. Our government does, but do they?
They definitely aren't teaching people Jesus Christ is the only way... no, because our government is trying their hardest to get away from protestant religion even though it was founded on it.
There are hungry kids every day, that stay hungry, there are girls on the street prostituting for drugs, money, food and love, where are we?
We are in our cookie cutter houses planning our next mission trip,  when we can get a week off  from work so that we can "help" someone less fortunate.

Look out your door and into your city streets!!!!!
Try ministering to someone right here, right now in your own town, or city !

true story:
JB started prostituting for money to feed her kids, but in the mean time she became hooked on crack.(I could elaborate on this... and this is how sexual/human trafficking sometimes begins, but I will save that for another day)....
Their dad is in jail and who suffers here?....the kids do. Who is ministering to them? Who is reaching out to them? JB takes them to the grandmothers house(grandma is poor too)Grandma dosn't have enough food for them but grandma is resourceful and grandma has flour(all purpse only) and some cinnamon, so grandma cooks them up some"special cinnamon bread." The kids devour that bread. JB pawns the children off on different family members as she"cannot afford to care for them" or dosn't want to and DHR dosn't have to get involved and all is well. But is it?? The kids will get Christmas from one of the local churches...

 But will they get offered the best Christmas gift of all?

Probably not because though we can take a week off and strive for that week off to go on a mission trip, we can't invest in the kids right down the street because we are too busy. Though we make time to go to church and hear the word and try and "get fed" and enjoy worship for that one hour a week. Are you studying God's word too?  Is the one hr and the yearly mission trip just all you can do?
 Life is too busy...
I am guilty too, I may be pointing fingers, but I am pointing them back at me. (I know I don't do near enough of what I could be doing)

You desire some life changing adventure to help people or change the world?
Try changing the world in front of you.... the immediate, the now, you are where you are for a reason.
Do you think God is gonna send you out to Samaria if you cannot minister to your Jerusalem right now, right here?

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere--in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."Acts 1:8


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