I only wanted to be a nurse...

 I never ever thought I would have my graduate degree in Nursing. Not that I am not scholarly, but I was happy with my ADN in nursing, just about the same pay and all I ever wanted to do was just be a nurse.
For years, I never had any other desire but to do bedside nursing. To me that is nursing. But as fate changed, and God's plan for me changed,  my goals and desires changed.

First it was motherhood, once you are a mother, your desires change rapidly. I was no longer the girl with ambition in my career but I was a mom. I just wanted to be a mom and my job was secondary.

As a mother working shift work and 12 hr shifts, you quickly realize you are missing out on so much.

But each day you go back and you make the most of the time you have at home, after all you still have some days off to make up the time missed. ( that is what you tell yourself anyway)

You find that balance in the little things. In the constant reminder that you do make the most of the time you have. You go to those school parties when you are off work and you explain that mom has to work on the days that you miss. I personally feel though they may feel a void in the moment of you missing an event, in the end they learn the importance and virtue of work and the importance of it.

A working mom also helps the child become a little more independent and as moms it makes us sad at times because we want to do so much for our kids, but independence is a good thing and it builds character.

I have missed school functions, field trips, class parties, soccer events, science nights at school, and the list goes on.......( but thank God, I have an amazing husband and we make a great team).

Now as I embark on the education side of nursing, hours are better, but still it is a very consuming profession. Nursing and healthcare are constantly changing and in order to stay up on those changes, one must constantly be reading, and or going to seminars and workshops to be "in the know"

Countless hours of prep work and grading, but I am home more, just not always present ( if you know what i mean).

I still don't feel very scholarly though, as I begin to look for work in educating nurses, I find that most places want even a higher degree even though the AACN says all they want is for 50% of college faculty to have their terminal degree, most universities want that big degree.
So we shall see where I land. I want to stay right where I am, but I also want God to put me where he wants me too. I am praying and trying my best to listen to HIS voice in this.


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