Always searching for the prize egg

As Easter approaches, we all enjoy a good egg hunt. Well, some enjoy the hunt, others have to be motivated to do the hunt with the prize egg.

It's funny how our brains all work differently.  Some are satisfied with looking, striving and just finding the eggs of life, doing life and going through the motions.

Then there are others of us who really must be motivated in life, we look for that next big thing, the next vacations, milestone, etc... we are the ones who respond to positive re-enforcement and or the reward system.

The cool kids are the ones who will get out there and search for those eggs if there is a good prize awaiting them. They also enjoy the challenge of the search as well.

So now I want to contemplate a little deeper....

Are there really two kinds of people?
1. Those that are up for anything, even tempered, ready to do whatever, go on that egg hunt, live life in contentment and smile through it all.
2. Those that go through life searching for the next big thing, always searching for the prize egg.

It's not really that the two people are extremely different, it's just that they are motivated differently.
What motivates person number 1?
Are they naturally motivated by life? What fuels their train and keeps them going down the train tracks of life?
I have to believe that they are the ones that are the rule followers, the backbone of many homes, businesses, churches, and relationships. They just do. The doers

Then the person number 2, they are the life of the party, the lookers, seekers, takers, they want to know why and need purpose. They need motivation and reward.

While many people have some of both attributes within, we often live in a society that fosters the number 2 person. We all seek reward, the prize, the next big thing.
We foster those things,  maybe because of Hollywood, social media, and television and the desire to want more, to strive, and do and go, and be on top.

In reality though number 1 people are ones who make it in the end. Why? Because they are the doers, they have found contentment in the search and in the process and they never expect to find the prize but they enjoy the journey, they live in the moment.

In the end, isn't that really the prize? The contentment for the journey?

It's all about perspective, what is your motivation?


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