Oh Irma

Sometimes He Calms His Child

 I rushed around this morning trying to think of what means most to me, what books, what pictures, what items I might want to put in ziplock bags, take with me, ( in case of complete loss) or put up  high in case there is just a little flooding. My mind was in overload at this point. I had spent all day yesterday helping to board up the house and seal the doorways and I felt physically tired already even though I had slept all night. 

We originally were gonna stay at home, but as Irma kept changing,  at the last minute, we decided the storm surge risk was nothing to play with or gamble with shall I say. 

Irma cannot decide which way she is gonna blow and I feel like she is just a huge stick of dynamite. 

Though this city has never in all of history had a storm come this severe or large, no one really could tell us what to expect as far as storm surge, so we decided to leave our home. It was harder than I thought. Just knowing that I might not ever see my home again, my stuff, my home could be leveled caught up with me in the shower this morning. I cried a little and prayed a lot.  I know stuff can be replaced, I know all that, but it’s still hard. 

I have had on my mind the last couple of days-  the song that says’Sometimes he calms the storm, sometimes he calms his child’

I prayed,  God please let this hurricane dissipate in the Gulf, please let it lessen, please allow us to be on the safer side of the eye of this thing. I prayed and prayed and cried and prayed. As I finished up praying, I heard a still small voice that reminded me that God is in control, I felt his love rush over me and a calm reminding me to trust him. 

I thank God for friends and having a safer place to go. I thank God for wisdom to know what to do. I am thankful that he calms his Child. 

You see, I care about my family and the safety of, but I also care about my neighbor, the elderly woman that decided to stay and hunker down. I care about the people of St Petersburg, and this magnitude of caring will have you crying in the shower and reluctant to leave your neighbor. ( Thankfully though, she left too last minute). 

I am thankful for a Calming God whose peace surpasses all understanding. 


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