To Any Mom

Recently I was reading some struggles from a Foster Mom.  I cannot imagine taking care of a sick child day in and day out, but I have taken care and help raise children that were not biologically mine and also have raised children that are biologically mine.
I must say that both are equally hard because being responsible for another human being is heavy. It's hard, it's real and great yet hard and heavy.  Being a parent is rewarding on all fronts but also a very serious responsibility. I have made mistakes. I have said things, done things, and messed up at parenting on many levels, but as I get older I remind myself that I am only human and to be human is to Err....if you are trying, if you are living - well you are most likely apt to make a mistake.

A mother's love, and a mother's heart is always such a special thing.

When I say mother, you know who I am talking to;  whether you have biologically birthed a child or you are a foster mom, a mom of an adopted child, or maybe you are a grandmother or aunt and you have inherited children that you love on and care for day in and day out.... what do you do?

You Love..... and that love covers so much, it will cover mistakes, it will give hope and that hope will sustain you in the storms.

We all have opinions on what is right, what is good, what type of parenting is best, but insight is only one dimensional- meaning we all have different perspectives and opinions on what is right. Until our own perspectives turn into introspection and we have viewed our own perspectives through a prism of light then we really don't know where we stand or what we stand on. So I challenge you today to look within and decide today to yield grace and mercy to other moms out there.

So before you judge, make assumptions, or think you know best, just remember that we are all on a journey doing the best we can,  extend some mercy to those young moms, foster moms, grandma moms, aunt moms, older moms, and even dad moms. We all do the best we can in the situation we are in and how do I know that? Well,  if you have been blessed to be over a child or with a child then you have love in your heart and love will motivate and melt all hearts to at least strive to do the right thing.


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