Just One Towel in this Privileged Life.

 I was joking with my niece the other day about the kids keeping their towel that they swim with and re-using it. She joked back and said and you get one towel for the shower all week too. 

I am sure I might have said that at some point. Encouraging less waste and holding on to your towel and using it more than once. 

Maybe it is unusual in this privileged life we lead. 

Yes I said privileged life as we have so much here in America, we waste so much and it's okay that is what we do. But is it really?

I recently got to travel and let me tell you we stayed at an AIR BNB which was someone's home and guess how many towels they gave us for a 3 day stay? 1 towel each. Not per day, but for the whole stay. I have stayed with others who also do that. So it isn't uncommon in other countries or in this country to use one towel for a few days. 

So I started thinking what else... well in other countries 

It isn't uncommon to ride public transportation all over everyday. 

A majority of the cars are small cars, none of these big fancy, fast cars in the city. The smaller the better and easier to handle and less emissions.

Washing and hanging out your clothes as opposed to drying them is very common overseas. 

Just having less is general- they don't have every new appliance that comes out every year. 

One realization that was shared with me is that the French really do not hate Americans they are jealous that we get so many opportunities and with them and some other Europeans they have one chance at succeeding at a dream, they don't get chance after chance after chance. 

So yes even if you think you are impoverished chances are you have more than most people in other countries.But even more you have chances to succeed in life ...ie... the American dream. Work hard, come up. 

So if you are American you are most likely privileged. 

A Challenge for you is instead of pointing fingers at your fellow Americans, and living in division, try being thankful 

Instead of being negative and putting down capitalism, just take it for what it is. Many foreigners jump at the chance to live in America and participate in Capitalism even foreign countries get to cash in on capitalism here in America. 

Try being grateful that you GET TO live in America where we use 2-3 towels a day, probably just as many outfits in a day and drive big nice cars and get chance after chance after chance at success- 

In this Privileged Life.


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