
Showing posts from 2012

The Greatest Gift...

The Greatest Gift 11  for there is born to you this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. 12  And this is the sign unto you: Ye shall find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, and lying in a manger. 13  And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14  Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men in whom he is well pleased. Luke 2:11-14 I am very thankful for the Savior and Lord of my Life..... He has changed me and provided grace, love and mercy in my life beyond comprehension !! I owe everything to him and as we embark on change in our immediate life and a new venture as scary as it is, I am honored to serve him. I am honored and blessed !!!! As I woke this morning, I had some time to actually meditate and write and pray before the girls got up to celebrate this wonderful Christmas morning and I have to say wow how this has all just flown by. I think of t...

In memory of Aleisha

I wanted to share this post from facebook that my Aunt had posted, it touched me and I know that it has touched God. It has pleased him to see his child trust him, and have faith in him. You see, we do not have the answers to life, we must only trust in him our heavenly father and he will give you peace to get through this life. HE is our sustainer, our strong tower and our rock !!! He can help you through anything this life throws at you.  In Loving memory of my cousin, Aleisha... In loving memory of Aleisha 9/12/1986-- Today my Aleisha would have been 26. I grieve more on her birthday than her death date- maybe because she was a gift that God shared with us for a little while and He took her back. Maybe I grieve because there should be cake/ice cream etc or some type of ceremony or remembrance time. Maybe Aleisha’s death date doesn’t hurt as bad because she wasn’t made fo r this world, her sweet spirit was above anything on this plane of existence. Losing a child is not a...

Invisible God

I was sitting here thinking I should finish my paper that is due today and decided to try and blog real quick. Something that has stuck with me since yesterday. We were in class and Danny referred to God as invisible, never really thought of it that way, of course he isn't physically present, but invisible God, I really like it.  I think it would make an awesome book title, and maybe one day, I will have the time to write a book... but until then, I will just put in a short blog..... So what does God look like, well, there are a few references in the Bible as to what he looks like and we often picture him in our minds, but on a deeper note,  what about our invisible God?   Do we put him on a shelf and go about life, just pulling him off and using him, praying to him, talking to him as we need him? Where is God in your life? He is indeed invisible do you treat him that way? I often think of the book "The Shack" and how it depicts God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, while s...

Peace that passes all understaning...

Have you ever gotten any news that just really made you think?  Well I have, and sometimes we have to just sit down and try and make sense of it, but in reality, it dosn't make sense. Alot of things in this world do not make sense. Alot of things are not fair and sometimes we just have to shake our head and release it from our soul and go on, or it will build up in us as anger, and resentment and harden our hearts to the point of making us desensitized and hard and even depressed. Thats a whole other story, I could go on, but I won't on that subject today.       I want to talk about pain, hurt and lack of understanding. What do you do when you have that? Where do you go with that? There is only one good place to go--Christ !! You have to give it to him, and if you pick it back up, give it over again. How do you give something to Christ, you pray, meditate, and do it all day long if you have to. I have noticed, the more I struggle with something, it is usually wh...

Smile !

   I was thinking this morning that it has been a while since a posted a blog of any type.  I will have to say that I have been a might bit overwhelmed with school and work, but I am done with school for the summer and it feels great !!!    I can't help but think about what McKenzie told me on mothers day. It was the sweetest thing, we were getting ready for church and I think I was doing her hair and she said " you know what I like best about you mom, it's when you laugh", like when we are playing games and you laugh" .... that just totally warmed my heart and helped me to realize that maybe I haven't been smiling or laughing enough lately.   Studies have been done that people who laugh more, live longer. Many of you know that I am married to a funny guy and I have to say he has taught me to find humor in things that I used to take more seriously. I think by nature I am a serious person and Danny truly balances me out and I do love to laugh.   Prov...

Happy Good Friday !

     Happy isn't quite the word that I would choose to call today, as it is the death of our loving Savior Jesus Christ, but it is good in that he died for our sins today. I often think of the physical agony he endured but  the emotional agony was huge as well. I often think about the night he was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane and that agony he endured in knowing all that he knew would come to pass.   38   Then He said to them,  l  "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me."   39 He went a little farther and fell on His face, and  m  prayed, saying,  n  "O My Father, if it is possible,  o  let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless,  p not as I will, but as You will."   Matt 26:38-39 This agony proves to me that not only was he one with the father but he was human as well, the God-man was saying I really don't want to do this, do I have to? I think about us today...

Happy Spring

Happy Spring !! Those were the words I heard at work the other day.I never saw the light of day as I go into work when it's dark and it's dusk when I leave. But I think it was a pretty day.  I worked 12 hrs that day and of course those 12 hours get the best of me and when I got home I was so tired I don't remember much about the evening, but I am sure we didn't talk about it being the first day of spring. Then the next day I was off and I got to take my girls to school and McKenzie said today is the second day of spring and I thought wow she really is into what day is what,  and when holidays fall into place and I said," it sure is",  but to me it's just another day, but to her it means something.     I didn't realize it was already upon us, the weather has been so strange and things are blooming, but they have been blooming, a little early I would say. As I was walking back inside I noticed the beautiful trees that have a reddish leaf that are all ar...

The garden of life..

As I was doing my devotion this morning, lots of things on my mind and as I was writing my prayers I wrote something like this... As I stumble through the weeds and briers of life dear Lord, please help me see the flowers among all the brush, help me to come out unharmed, unscratched and with the hope only you can give. I began to think how life is like that. Often coming upon obstacles that knock our feet out from under us and how we must go on and do the best we can. Each day IS NEW and we choose how we re-act to all the briers and weeds that try to smother out the sunshine. Hoping that bud underneath will bloom into the beautiful flower it could be.    As I began to pray, I thought about my husband and how he is such a blessing to others. How people want to glean from his happiness, his joy and want to be in his presence because of the positive vibes, good counsel and hope that he has. I am thankful for him and what he stands for!! What a light he has, although he has no...

Seeking Wisdom

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as a pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him, Forever in the next. Amen.     This is the serenity prayer that is often used in alcoholics anonomous meetings and seems to be an effective tool for them. I have always loved this prayer as well. Then a while back my neice was telling me that she wanted a copy to frame and put on her wall.    The first three lines are of most importance to me, God grant me ......... I just started a new job and school too kinda at the same time and it's been extremely stressful ..oh and from night shift to day my ...

Listening to God's voice

      I am trying to read the Bible through in a year, I have these scriptures daily that I read and I am reading right now in Exodus.  Its always an interesting book to me, how the Children of Israel wander in the wilderness finding it so hard to trust God and he is right there with them. I think of ourselves and this country and how we wander in the wilderness and God is still right here with us,well the Holy Spirit is. They didn't really even have to go on much faith because he did appear before them, they knew he was real and powerful and mighty, but they couldn't even trust him either.   I think how hard it is to trust, to listen to have faith.... Even I struggle at times listening. We don't want to hear too much, we don't want to have to live too Holy, because then people will think we are freaks....Well didn't they think Jesus was a freak? Most Jews didn't believe he was the Son of God and to this day still don't believe.    Listening though,...

Being a doormat....

It is one thing to go the lonely way with dignified heroism, but quite another thing that if the line mapped out for you by God means being a doormat under other people's feet.   ...Oswald Chambers "Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy and rejoice with you all." Phil 2:17    This was my devotion this morning of course, there was more, but pretty good stuff I must say. Whenever I read something like that I think back of a time when I was younger, growing up, I was probably teenage and was very easy going and nice. I can remember people telling me that I was just too nice and "don't be a doormat for others" "you have to stand up for yourself"... I can also remember about that time hurts and my heart being a little harder and well we all know how hard it is to grow up and the growing pains that go along with it.    It's funny how we are encouraged to do one thing, yet Christ may want us to do something els...

That still small voice..

Has the voice of God come to you directly? If it has you cannot mistake the intimate insistence with which the  it has spoken to you in the language you know best, not through your ears but through your circumstance.   Oswald Chambers Often have I heard from my Lord and Savior through circumstance. I will often let circumstance get the best of me and there's that still small voice saying"take a deep breath and know that I am God". At that moment I surely feel the weakest in his kingdom. But I pull up my big girl panties and go on, thanking him for all that he reveals to me.  I used to have a sign in my office at work(when I had my own office) that related to circumstance ... it was something like don't let your circumstance define who you are but let your actions define who you are.  Right now I am reading the book of Job and everytime I read it I realize my circumstances are not so bad. I am also in awe at the power of God and how his ways are not ours.  I ju...

Upon this Rock I will build my Church

I often think of this scripture found in Matt 16:18 And I say also unto thee, that thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I think of this scripture when I think of the "church" and I am in no way a scholar on all this, you would have to talk more to my husband who nah just kidding.. but I do know what God has revealed to me. Jesus wanted the "church " built around Peter's faith and ministry and the disciples and what was He(Jesus) teaching them? He was teaching them to love others, to care for others and disciple others. James 1:26-27 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion in vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world .  Whew.. I am convicted each time I read this.... and you kno...

Know thyself...

Know thyself....  A common quote that I hear quite often. I even like it.  I have come to find out that even after 38 years I am still finding out stuff about myself that I didn't know.  Each day I am growing and learning and it's a continuous process.  Lately I have realized what kind of coffee I really like... must be a Colombian blend as I have come to find out Arabica beans are very strong and often smokey tasting... so I look for something with a Colombian bean. I am of course not a coffee connoisseur but I am finding new things out about coffee.  Just like simple facts like that, I am grateful God reveals things about myself that continuously allow me to grow. I often think about the song.."He's still working on me" a childhood song and we often hear children sing it but oh how it applies to even adults. Well that is, if you let him work on you.. again it's a choice how much or how little you listen to his voice and spend time with him.  In...

A New Year

Jan  2012      I was waiting on my sister to send me a New Year commentary but she hasn’t yet, so I thought I would just do my own.     When I think about this past year, I think wow how time has flown by. God has richly blessed us this past year and his love is awesome.    When you look at the year on a larger scale, a worldly scale it is quite scary. Elections coming up, the Mayan prophesy that is sure to bring about some scares the closer into the year it gets. Some people will actually be terrified as the year goes on and the closer to next December it gets. Newscasters say that we could possibly going back into recession if not depression and here we go again.    Not to mention the terror and calamity Satan has presented and put in our homes, breaking marriages, wayward children, such a rebellious, heart sickening sight if you concentrated on it.   Be sober be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring l...