Invisible God

I was sitting here thinking I should finish my paper that is due today and decided to try and blog real quick. Something that has stuck with me since yesterday. We were in class and Danny referred to God as invisible, never really thought of it that way, of course he isn't physically present, but invisible God, I really like it.  I think it would make an awesome book title, and maybe one day, I will have the time to write a book... but until then, I will just put in a short blog.....

So what does God look like, well, there are a few references in the Bible as to what he looks like and we often picture him in our minds, but on a deeper note,  what about our invisible God?
  Do we put him on a shelf and go about life, just pulling him off and using him, praying to him, talking to him as we need him? Where is God in your life? He is indeed invisible do you treat him that way?
I often think of the book "The Shack" and how it depicts God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, while some people think it's just sac relig, I however use an open mind and try and see the good in all views of who people think God is and really I mean the book is just that man(the writers) opinion of who God is to him, but anyway, who is God to you?
    We talked in class yesterday how we are all working towards a goal, a goal in life that will get us better jobs, better status, more connections, promotions---ambition. Good ole ambition and how it can really be a motivator in life. That is a physical, tangible part of life, work, family worldly, material pleasures, all tangible in life. Then there is God, invisible God in our life.

Where is God in your life? is he invisible, on a shelf? or do you talk with him and walk with him?

Let's now focus on the spiritual... blessing others, loving others, sharing the gospel, sharing our testimony, sharing our money, sharing our groceries, sharing our love, blessing others.
Meditating, praying, reading God's word, all important, all vital to allow us to see our Invisible God !!

Where are those things in your life and are you allowing your invisible God to use you in this non-tangible sometimes non-rewarding way?Think about it.

........our goal is to please him. 2Cor 5:9


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