In memory of Aleisha

I wanted to share this post from facebook that my Aunt had posted, it touched me and I know that it has touched God. It has pleased him to see his child trust him, and have faith in him. You see, we do not have the answers to life, we must only trust in him our heavenly father and he will give you peace to get through this life. HE is our sustainer, our strong tower and our rock !!! He can help you through anything this life throws at you. 

In Loving memory of my cousin, Aleisha...

In loving memory of Aleisha 9/12/1986-- Today my Aleisha would have been 26. I grieve more on her birthday than her death date- maybe because she was a gift that God shared with us for a little while and He took her back. Maybe I grieve because there should be cake/ice cream etc or some type of ceremony or remembrance time. Maybe Aleisha’s death date doesn’t hurt as bad because she wasn’t made fo
r this world, her sweet spirit was above anything on this plane of existence. Losing a child is not a natural process of life. I don’t know what to do or how to handle it. I don’t understand the why’s of it but one day I will and until then I’ve learned to accept it, have FAITH and TRUST.

 It hasn’t always been that way though. I didn’t understand why God had allowed this heartache and brokenness in my life –what had I done to deserve this. He must hate my guts after all the repeated loss and heartbreak in my life. He spoke thru his Word to me- Romans 8:35-37 –okay I got that “ you love me so much” Somewhere along the religious path I learned that God punishes his children when we disobey. In my time I have broken almost all of the Ten Commandments, so I must be being punished. This started a new search of what obedient actions could I do so heartache wouldn’t happen again? God answered me with the entire book of Job and Proverbs 3:5-6 –stuff happens/life happens you will never know the reasons because you are not God just TRUST ME he whispered. You are my child-you don’t have to do anything but allow me to be the center of your life. I still fought. How could I surrender and let God take my mourning and Create Joy? He allowed it all and I was not ready to forgive or give in. Like Jeremiah in Lamentations I didn’t hold back in my conversations with HIM -I was mad, REALLY MAD at God. I was becoming- distrustful, sullen, cynical and miserable. I no longer had HOPE. I was separated from my Creator, my Source and the thief was winning the battle. I cried out to Jesus and gave him my grief, my heartache, my brokenness and began trusting. I am once again filled with faith—hope in the absence of things unseen I have hope again because I know God didn’t promise me a life without pain but if I willfully choose Him, He will be there with me. Even today when there are only tears and no birthday cake!

Not only has my Aunt lost this beautiful child, but she also  lost her mom when she was 12, her dad when she was 2, so she knows her share of loss. She is a special person and I thank God she is in my life !! God can and will use her testimony for great things !! 


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