Everyone loves a fast walker

So not my normal blog, but thought I would like to share on this thought I have been pondering.

Everyone likes a fast walker. ... You know that person who always looks busy, the nurse that is focused constantly running up and down the halls to patients rooms like she is on a mission.

The co-worker that zips around with high energy and a purpose, the fast one that is always busy.

The boss certainly does... like the ones who at least look busy, right? Well I just need to speak up for those of us who don't always "LOOK" busy.... we still work and we still can be busy, we just do things differently than those "fast ones".
When I worked in public health we did these personality tests and each personality type had a color.  It was amazing how pretty accurate they were and how when you knew someone was a green, chances are they are an extrovert, and a red is a bottom line type person, and me who was a blue was a mellow, laid back, thinker type who may look like I am not doing anything even when I am.

Anyway, long story short, it was a great way to relate to your co-workers just knowing what was behind their color, personality traits etc....

I was talking with someone about all this and he reminded me of a Seinfeld episode where, (Jerry) or one of them that worked in an office... was constantly sitting at his desk sighing and groaning( for about a week)  and how his co-workers thought he was so busy, but he wasn't he just used his body language to his advantage. I think we all do that. We use body language without even realizing it.

God created us all unique and though we may have to tolerate some that are very different around us, he loves us all. Next time that co-worker or family member or church member gets on your nerves remember that we are all God's children and how wonderfully made we are that we are all created different and if we were all alike how boring we would be.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14


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