What is a Yoke?

In Matthew 11:28 it reads"take my yoke upon you". Have you ever really thought about what a yoke is? Well I got informed a little more yesterday and began to ponder on this a bit as I thought about this yoke that we are to wear.
A yoke is a contraption farmers use to plow the fields. It holds two oxen one more experienced and one not so experienced,  the older animal will know where to go, what to do and how to get it done, the younger will follow suit.

   The farmers would put an experienced oxen in one yoke and the less experienced in the other and the experienced one would lead the latter.  So most likely this is the analogy here, that he is telling us to come put on the yoke beside him and he will teach us. Will it be easy, no, will it be all roses and rainbows, no, but he does promise his yoke is easy and his burden is light. So when we are with him, he helps us, he will guide us and take on some of the burdens of life that we struggle with.
It does say his yoke is easy and his burden is light. So that promise right there lets us know that because he loves us so much, when we submit to him and let him lead the yoke and teach us, show us etc... we can put all burden and trouble on him.  We are so blessed to have such love from the Father, and each time scripture shows you how he loves us so.

 He never promised an easy road, so why do we feel it must be.  Yes, Christ was all about love etc... but I am reading in Matthew which is the new testament in Red letters (indicating it was said by Jesus) to put a yoke around our neck and follow him.
Of course, it means he will teach us, but I would say it is not all flowers and rainbows for sure.
I want to ask you, have you accepted him as savior and if so are you following him as your Lord? Have you trusted him enough to put that yoke on your neck and begin work with him. Have you submitted to His plan for your life or are you striving and working on your own agenda?

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”Matt 11:28

It's really simple three words ...."come unto me"


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