
Showing posts from 2015


Every once in a while, you meet these Golden people. As we grieve the loss of my brother in law from a tragic accident, I must say he was one of these golden people I speak of. If you ever watched the movie "Outsiders" you hear them recite the poem by Robert Frost Later in the movie, he tells his friend to stay Golden or stay Gold.  So that line has always stuck with me, some people are just golden, salt of the earth people that you meet. I always know them when I see them... me being the introvert, shy type person, those Golden people usually accept and love me right from the start, they love everyone and they are real people.  Maybe I am one of those highly sensitive people but I can always spot a Golden person. They touch my soul. They accept me. Geoffrey was one of those people. Golden. He loved, he was real, he was golden. I went to look up the clip from the movie but instead I got the clip where Ponyboy read this Robert Frost Poem, another reminder how life is...

Why we don't need a prince charming.....

"There is no such thing as a perfect life but there is perfection in life and it is Jesus Christ"-Danny Lewis ...... And her prince swept her off her feet and they lived happily ever after..... isn't that what we are all looking for, what we weep over in movies and the happily ever after good feelings .... ...there is no perfect life ....but there is perfection in Jesus Christ,  as I contemplate the words that my wise husband shared with me, I see so many different meanings in Christ's perfection. I must say we are so impressionable when we are young and we think that the "perfect Life" is out there and we are just going to miraculously jump into it at some point in our life, our ship will come in and all will be good. Well I am here to tell you that it does not happen that way. Having grown up impoverished but also having had some material things as an adult, I am a witness that happiness does not lie in things, in circumstance, or in our "lot i...

We always ask why....

The serpent told Eve, Do you want to be like God and have all the knowledge that he has”? “ Then eat of the tree of life” Gen  3:1-4 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. Gen 3:5 I was reading an article about abuse and how terrible it is and how does God let it happen. While I was reading it, I was thinking of this scripture and how God does not allow it. We do it. Just like we ate of the tree in the Garden when we were not suppose to. He gave us free will and because of sin and free will,  people do bad things. Bad things happen to good people.  When Eve and Adam partook of the fruit from the tree of Life, like the serpent said “ you will not die, but you will be like God knowing good and evil”…. and there you have it.  We were made in God’s image with rule over all the earth and because of the very first sin in the Garden of Eden we suffer, people suffer and i...

You search for purpose, but you are only looking in the mirror.

Rick Warren penned and I quote " Humility is not denying your strengths. Humility is being honest about your weaknesses.” How true is that, being honest about your weaknesses.... Someone told me the other day that they could not cry,  that crying is a sign of weakness, and I say cry, be real..... don't let others tell you how to be. Why is it hard to be honest about weakness, to have a weak moment, to fall and get up... We live in a world of Selfism right now.  I mean take a look on Facebook and instagram at the selfies, and narcissistic comments. Everyone is living their own movie star life as their story unfolds on Facebook, instagram and tumbler. People do not see the need for God, or church or fellowship with others as they are inward searching for answers - selfism. While I do believe in knowing yourself, and searching inward for answers, you cannot be inward focused all the time or you will be miserable. You search for purpose but you are only look...

Vines and Weeds

Monday is my day off and usually errand day, I do try and rest but rest is for the weak I often say, as I soldier on and keep on keeping on. I had two big tasks Yesterday, one of my tasks was accomplished as I cleaned up a small corner of our yard that had been overtaken by some vines.  I was thinking how quickly those vines take over, it seemed like we were just recently out here and it wasn't like this, but the rain and has it rained, has just helped them grow abundantly. I noticed how once they take over something they really choke it out.  There was a tree growing under some of these, but the vines,  or maybe time had killed it and in the spring some men came and cut the tree down, but we noticed how the vines had just come in with a vengeance and maybe even spread more than when the tree was there, or maybe with the tree gone they had more room to spread and snake around everything, but regardless they needed to go. Satan is kinda like those vines, you may notice ...

The Giving Tree

The giving tree, keeps giving, going Striving, Thriving Through drought, through storm, Through pain and loss, The giving tree gives.... God heals when branches break When leaves fall The giving tree continues to grow Because God is the sustainer, God is the omnipotent, sovereign  Maker of all things I am only a caretaker of the mighty tree, I can water, I can prune, I can till the ground, I can toil on the ground, but God is in control of the Giving Tree I am but an instrument, a vessel willing to be used and used up for him,  When the tree suffers I do.... All that work...  I fret, I cry But God reminds me that he is in control of the Giving Tree......... He heals when storms come, He prunes, he protects, He is in control of the Giving Tree.

How to obtain wisdom....

I was thinking about some scripture that Danny read to me the other day. The scripture reading was Proverbs chapter 2 and I loved the poetic way wisdom was portrayed. I love poetry anyway so it spoke to me. If you read Proverbs 2, the topic is wisdom and understanding and the benefits of having both. I love the part that says search for them as you would silver, seek them like hidden treasures. I have often prayed for wisdom, and understanding as I know it comes from God. It's easy to get worldly knowledge to know things, and be scholarly if you want.  That's the easy part. The hard part is searching for wisdom like treasure. This treasure can only come from God, and life, but mostly from living your life and allowing God to mold you into what he wants. In the very beginning verse 1, he says listen to what I say, and treasure my commands...... We are all searching for purpose and God's plan for our life, when it's so simple.... HIM But it's kinda l...

Everyone loves a fast walker

So not my normal blog, but thought I would like to share on this thought I have been pondering. Everyone likes a fast walker. ... You know that person who always looks busy, the nurse that is focused constantly running up and down the halls to patients rooms like she is on a mission. The co-worker that zips around with high energy and a purpose, the fast one that is always busy. The boss certainly does... like the ones who at least look busy, right? Well I just need to speak up for those of us who don't always "LOOK" busy.... we still work and we still can be busy, we just do things differently than those "fast ones". When I worked in public health we did these personality tests and each personality type had a color.  It was amazing how pretty accurate they were and how when you knew someone was a green, chances are they are an extrovert, and a red is a bottom line type person, and me who was a blue was a mellow, laid back, thinker type who may look like...

What is a Yoke?

In Matthew 11:28 it reads"take my yoke upon you". Have you ever really thought about what a yoke is? Well I got informed a little more yesterday and began to ponder on this a bit as I thought about this yoke that we are to wear. A yoke is a contraption farmers use to plow the fields. It holds two oxen one more experienced and one not so experienced,  the older animal will know where to go, what to do and how to get it done, the younger will follow suit.    The farmers would put an experienced oxen in one yoke and the less experienced in the other and the experienced one would lead the latter.  So most likely this is the analogy here, that he is telling us to come put on the yoke beside him and he will teach us. Will it be easy, no, will it be all roses and rainbows, no, but he does promise his yoke is easy and his burden is light. So when we are with him, he helps us, he will guide us and take on some of the burdens of life that we struggle with. It does say his...


I can remember as a child I did not understand freedom. I did not understand the price that was paid, wars that were fought, the struggle, the strife, the pain America suffered to be established. 1776 seems like long ago, but once you study a history lesson and learn about other countries, governments and kingdoms that have been formed, 239 years is not very long. I fear with all that is going on in the United States right now, what will happen to us, but I am thankful for the freedom that I have right now. I am thankful for the founding fathers who desired freedom.  Though this country was founded on God and the Bible, we are far from it now and that is what scares me, because what we were founded upon is going away, will the country last? You see in leadership you have to have vision and our founding father's vision is slightly skewed now days, so what will become of America. Look at the Children of Israel,once the few made it to the promise land, one generation past and they ...

The view from my window

The view from my window .... Have you had that moment driving down the road or walking even and you have to take a double take? You know when you're not sure if you think you saw what you think you saw? Well, I have that  a lot. While I have lived in several different places, even San Francisco, I am constantly in awe as I look around me and see the crazy here in Florida. I don't mean just crazy people, which is quite the case here. I mean crazy dress, crazy action, crazy drivers, crazy items just left on the street. Sometimes I feel as if I have more culture shock here in Florida than I ever did in California. Go figure.... Honestly though, the view is quite sad. I see hundreds of people in nice cars each day in a rat race on the interstate,  running to make that next dollar and be successful as the world defines success. I see sad faces, tears and hurt as they go, they look they try but they never find what they are looking for, just a journey of searching. I see...


My last blog was titled "Being let-down". I was reflecting on what I was feeling lately and how God works in our lives. Now I want to ask how do you embrace change. I kinda touched on it in the last blog. Do you realize that God is in control and everything is on his timing? Lately, for me, I have felt a peace. Even though I am not getting to do my practicum this past semester and it will put me 6 months later finishing my graduate degree, I feel lighter and less stressed. Why do I feel that way? I feel that way because I know that God has got something good in store for me. I know that God is in control and he is helping me, teaching me and guiding me and I am listening. This is a time for me to listen and I am trying to do just that. This quote made me think about my journey: "The only things we can keep are the things we freely give to God. What we try to keep for ourselves is just what we are sure to lose"-CSLewis That is exactly what I did, I gave...

Being let-down

Recently, I have been on a time crunch to find a preceptor to work with in the hospital. I have called places, hospitals, and people, people I work with, people I am acquainted with and people I barely know. It has been a struggle and I have received much rejection. Did I mention I had a time line to find this great person to work with and as time got closer, I got more stressed and worried, but then I began to wonder if God was trying to show me something in this whole process of strife that I was going through. Each time I received a rejection email a little piece of my heart was crying inside. I kept a strong and positive outlook, but do you ever just feel like you are crying on the inside when you are hoping for the good and you keep getting let down, it creates a loneliness inside no matter what the let down is. Why does it create a loneliness? Well I have pondered this lately as I have experienced a let down in my life recently. I can say when things in life do not go as we...

Broken Dreams

Have you ever read the little poem about broken dreams and how we are to turn them over to God and remove that burden from our souls? I think about that poem a lot, not that I have a lot of broken dreams per se, but I reflect a lot on what " I thought my life should have been" or what I have missed out on with my children. I think on those things sometimes and I have to give it over to God and not dwell on it. As children bring their broken toys With tears for us to mend, I brought my broken dreams to God Because He was my friend. But then instead of leaving Him In peace to work alone, I hung around and tried to help With ways that were my own. At last I snatched them back and cried, “How could you be so slow” “My child,” He said, “What could I do? You never did let go.” - written by Robert J. Burdette I often wonder at what point does someone break? I have seen people I know,  have break downs and I wonder sometimes is it truly science and is there a e...